Wednesday 26 October 2011

He rubs the lotion on my skin (Greenskeepers song reference)

4am. I'm sleeping soundly for the first in many nights, not sunburnt on a hot night, tossing and turning. Until I hear a knock. My older neighbour needs me to let him into the bathroom as the double door seems to be locked from my side. Grrr. So there goes my last two hours before my early wakeup call.

Was rostered in early today, 7am start, as we had a shitload of people booked in from cruises and regular tourists. It was my first taste of a busy day, and I liked it. Not only did I get over $30 in tips, but I got used to the whole routine of cruise ships rides, which is essentially much more simple and laidback. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, only had 1 man come off in the water as an unexpected wave knocked his horse about. I guess when I get more used to taking people into the water, I will be able to anticipate these kinds of things. My wrists were a little sore today, having cleaned 15 of the horses' feet - that's 60 feet man - and stupidly forgetting that I have bad wrists!!

At one stage, we had 15 people waiting for a ride and 14 horses saddled, so I don't know how that worked out but it did. And there were 2 more people on the way. One time I literally walked the person to the dismount block, she got off and someone else got on. Ha! The rides are only 1 hour and just walking so no dramas if the horse gets used twice. Just need to make sure they're hydrated (and me!).

So I got, uh, a little sun today. Rode in my official get-up - short, bright pink boardies, staff t-shirt and Crocs - and successfully boiled my legs almost the same colour as my boardies, as well as added some nice colour to my already Rudolfy nose. The boys love my legs, fuck knows how, I've just gotten used to the fact that my boy likes my body (well, I think so) so having people say my least favourite body part is sexy... well, that's just weird.

Came home to the same old neighbour at my door apologising for the early morning wake-up, which was nice. He also lent me his desk until I get another one from my boss, the guys upstairs. This is the same neighbour who was all finnicky about using his stuf in the kitchen so go figure. He also came in with this weird lotion from Diana (the country not a random old woman) that is meant to help with the heat off my skin. Well, he lathered that on good, but now it's soaked into my dry, perishing skin and I doubt it's doing anything at all. Just as long as I don't have to go through that rubbing in process again haha!

Had a frustrating experience last night when my boy tried to call again and again, and I knew it was him, from a private number (although I thought against saying, baby I love you, but I can't hear you to a number I wasn't sure of), which for some reason wasn't connecting properly and neither of us could hear properly. I know it put him in a pissy mood and me too, not gonna lie I shed a tear at his efforts. I'm off to the nearby internet cafe to treat my hardworking self to some dinner at the wifi restaurant. Oh, and some beer. Definitely some beer.

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