Tuesday 18 October 2011

Procrastinating getting things done...

My first proper day in the Caribbean and there are some interesting tales to tell... already. I tossed n turned from the early morning hours and of course just started to get drowsy about the time I needed to get up. The toilet is broken in the flat already, which is fine since I have traveled Thailand and know how to handle a toilet without a flush. I was kinda worried what time to get up, since I had no idea if my clock was on local time or that of LA, Miami, Australia... yep, my body is as confused as my mind.

I figured it out, though, and was even early (pretty much a crime here) to the morning ride. Made conversation with the English couple waiting to ride - made me miss my boy even more - and met I, the guide for the day. He is the rasta brother of the duo that work here, and I was quick to point out that mine were fake rastas, in the sense that they had no connection to the religion whatsoever.

So we went for a ride, it was lovely overlooking the cliffs but a bit perturbing seeing the now-empty bay to the left being bullozed to make way for yet another holiday resort. Island life hey. The English couple, about the age of my parents, were lovely. We went swimming at the end, saddles n all (and yes, apparently this wears the saddles out every couple of months) and it was a great first visit to the water on this island. I changed into shorts and bare feet, still need to get some deliciously fashionable Crocs to ride in each day. So much for bringing my cowboy and riding boots!

Enjoying the water so much, I went for a dip myself after the ride and luckily took myself out as the clouds rolled in (not that it makes much difference in the temperature!) because the water pump from the big plant next door decided to sink and burst, sending all the (clean, thankfully) water into the very beach I was swimming in. Not the most attractive look for tourists, a big, brown cloud of sandy water murkying up the formerly pristine conditions. And they really are pristine here. The water (usually) is crystal clear. I could see some of this from the plane.

Speaking of planes, man they roar above the island here!! Reminds me just of home! Dad wants me to send home pics of the planes really low flying over the beach, I will get there... Need to actually start exploring this island soon but I am kinda liking the whole sitting here, drinking beer situation.

I made friends with the rasta men from the beach, not that hard really, and have been invited out by the man that calls himself Lion-I which I mistakenly assumed was a kind of "running bull, hidden tiger" Indian naming system... they laughed when I said this so I'm not quite sure where it came from. So anyway, we're gonna check out this local reggae bar called The Alley which I'm hoping is actually a bar and not just an alleyway. Oh well, time will tell.

Just found out the rasta guide, I, can't actually swim!! Crazy for someone who grew up in the Caribbean. I said I'd teach him. Fucked if I will DR ABC his ass when his horse runs off without him in the water! So yeah, I'm off to a bar tonight, gotta start work tomorrow morning at 7 cos the cruise ships arrive, should be interesting. Will keep it tame.

Had a couple of beers and a burger. The diet here is certainly not gonna do much for my losing weight and getting fit regime. Why I thought I could possibly achieve such a plan in a place that serves food like Americans do, I don't know... Still need to get to the bank but have been lent some money by a Dutch girl to save me walking to the ATM.

Just popped off for another ride, on the little Chico again, and it was another slowie. I think they're pretty much all just walking, taking in the sights, going in the water. Which reminds me, I gotta get to the shops. Was waiting for a cooler part of the day but methinks it'll just have to be now...ish. But it's just so hot......

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