Wednesday 26 October 2011

It's all just, "cock, cock, cock"

Let me in on one of my most amusing conversations with my workmates recently. We were talking about how my boss wanted to leave off feeding the chickens and roosters, as he wanted them a little hungry because there was a fight later that day. Now I've been told that this island is mad for cock fighting. They say they really like their "sport" here. Watching animals fight doesn't really fall into the category of sport for me, but each to their own. I guess fist-pumping the air does give the biceps a good workout.

The receptionist, R, is talking about how crazy these men are about cock fighting - some people live by it. And she's chatting away... "Oh, it's big 'round 'ere, sometimes it's like all them boys think 'bout is cock, cock, cock..." Yes, I looked away at that point, fearful they'd see my immature little mind ticking overtime. Ahh, the simple things in life.

So today wasn't so busy, again, but this time mainly because of the torrential rain that plagued the morning. I woke to drizzle and by the time we were ready to receive the first riders of the day, it was pouring. Needless to say, my ride never turned up so I was stuck doing menial tasks (still in the pouring rain - I suppose I could've cowered away until it stopped, but how's that for a first week of work ethic??) until something else came along.

I, the rasta guide, got nice tips from the ride that did come as he took them in the heavy rain (well, the half of them that were still keen to mount). I had just one ride, a girl who used to work at the stables and is leaving soon, and her friend (both Dutch). I have to say, they are lovely girls and it was really a nice ride - no tips though, which didn't surprise me. I would've probably felt weird accepting tips from them anyway.

Wasted a bit of time on horseback looking for a couple of cheeky horses who ended up being in the paddock the whole time. Again on Fresita, J's favourite (he was off today), we went out to collect the horses free-grazing for the afternoon. Man, that horse can fly - I held her back because I'm still unfamiliar with the tracks and it was a bit slippery from the rain. But I'd love to give her the rein. Whoooa.

Tomorrow is a busy day, lots of rides scheduled so it'll be a taste of what high season is like. Probably won't even get a lunch break. Gotta slip, slap, slop, cos my noggin is looking a little Rudolf red-nosed these days. Been told that's still cute... dammit, I am trying to look unappealing right now and I'm still told by my bosses that the boys are distracted. The price of being fresh meat, right?

October 25 - makes me think that in just 2 months it'll be Christmas here. Another Christmas away from friends and family, and now my boy. Actually, this must be the fourth Christmas in a row (fifth altogether) that I'm away. I hope it is nice here with my new friends...

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