Saturday 29 October 2011

Rum punched in the gut

Friday. Day off. Time to relax and take it easy, you know, get things done. Not so, it seemed. From the moment I walked down to Seaside to speak with my boy, it was disappointment after disappointment. But for some reason that didn't really colour my mood, it was just, well that's the Caribbean!

The first reason was not the Caribbean. It was an excited boyfriend getting mixed up with my schedule as he searched for the bottom of his beer bottle, and so while I rearranged my busy day, he failed on two attempts to catch me online. But I am not bitter or angry, as my writing may indicate, I understand it's a hard timezone to fit with and lord knows I know him on a Friday night. Release the week, he says! I need a beer! In fact, where's the case??! Next time he'll know to consider his loving girlfriend too, huh ;)

Then there was my "relaxing" time... well, that was marred by the 30 toddlers at the park for pony rides. Oh my, now that is contraception right there for you. So I just laid on a banana chair between grazing horses and cow shit, trying to get some shut-eye. I also tried to go snorkeling - water was too murky, and also kinda smelly and dirty this day, and the snorkeling gear didn't want to fit my bulbous head.

The boss wife also couldn't make time to come and chat with me about all things work-related, so I had a quick evaluation with R which was really about my thoughts rather than his. I have a feeling he doesn't freely communicate observations unless they are negative - so I now feel really good that I had a few small compliments on my riding on Thursday!

I actually needed my first week's pay above everything though, so I got that before I headed off and left everyone else to deal with the screaming kids (although I have to say hearing their little mini-Caribbean accents was kinda cute - until I remembered what they'll grow up to be).

Took out what I needed for rent, headed for another successful attempt to talk to A at Pineapple Pete's - made friends with the nice waiter who then asked me out, bless him he looked about 19 (see what happens when you don't come online, baby??) - dropped my laptop back and then waited what seemed like forever for a bus to Philipsburg. Dad was giving me grief about sending his keys back (that I forgot to leave in Oz) and I needed a new labret ring with an actual ball so fuck it, let's do this.

Postage and piercing work all done, I was heading back home in bumper-to-bumper traffic when M called and asked if I wanted to drink at Buccaneers tonight. It is her last weekend here, and I didn't make it out last week so I arranged to meet her and go for dinner n drinks.

Turns out we were both as tired as each other, and after being shouted dinner n drinks by a local that works at the power plant next to Seaside that she knows (sweet), we called it a night and I was dropped home by aforementioned man by 10pm. Those rum punches were making me tired and a little funny in the stomach, I really shouldn't drink so many in a night. But it was also good to get away from this nice, but talkative man - he really just went on and on. Repeating stuf as well.

Gotta work tomorrow - originally had it off but they shuffled the schedule so I have Sunday off instead which is fine since today's trip to the French side was postponed and Is can take me then instead. M is going too, so we can all convene if possible. Saturday (tomorrow) is Halloween so technically there are some themed parties going around, and I am keen as mustard to go cos as most people know, I love dressing up, but I won't go out without some of the trusted people I know. And they don't really seem Halloween types. We'll see.

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