Friday 6 May 2011

So you're straight, then, chica??

After last night's efforts, all I can say is that I am happy my talent for turning straight people gay - if just for one night - has definitely not faded with age. The night featured aforementioned hot Dutch chick, who until the other night with the Brazilian had not even kissed a girl. Well, she has certainly progressed in leaps n bounds.

Last night was my last official duty as a ¨worker¨ here, doing the Pizza Night with Pub Quiz attached. Not quite so sure why they are so fixated on the Pub Quiz idea, but in the end I was the bloody one who had to do it and we had tables of Spanish speakers - even Portuguese from Brazil - so I had to badly translate everything... Uff.

In the end, it went OK but of course we had the people who complained about their answers etc... Annoying for me, since I didn't actually make the questions and didn't actually care about the whole damn thing. This was after I was running around trying to make sure the people who ordered drinks off me were actually getting them - while the manager (same girl from Iguazu) prodded me from behind MAKE THEM PAY, HAVE THEY PAID, WHERE IS THE MONEY... fuck's sake, woman!!! I am SO glad that was the last time I am doing that.

On the Fantasma front, unfortunately being a ghost I never ended up seeing him because for some reason he didn't show... but I am sure something happened. It always does with Argentinians... especially fantasma. But now I probably won't see him again and that is truly a bummer.

Got on the beers anyway and then a select group of us moved upstairs to the Ritz bar... I found myself chuckling at the Columbian, who I was worried would always be trying it with me after the shit sex I didn't want to repeat. But, being Columbian, it seems he was just as done with me, and I watched in amusement as he tried it on with many of the others girls... to no avail. Was I that easy a catch??

Anyway, so Dutch girl stayed back and wanted to party with me, and I ran into the 2 Canadian woman from a few nights back at Club 69 so we all went along with this group of locals. The first club was a no-go, apparently it was an invite-only Big Brother party (didn't even know Big Brother still existed, to be honest), so we went back to our hood of San Telmo and ended up in a kinda weird bar with a live band playing Spanish dance music.

Me and L (Dutch girl) both agreed it was quite an odd environment...and we were lucky we were in a big group. Literally, the guys were circling it like vultures, waiting for one of us to break off to go to the toilet or the bar. Que horible!! In the end, the Dutch girl suggested we just keep to dancing with ourselves, having come to my same conclusion that the guys were not attractive, nor were they good kissers (I didn't kiss anyone but she did I think). So it was just the 2 of us. Which was fine with me. She was looking smoking, anyway.

We started kissing and TA DA, the Columbian appears out of nowhere suddenly interested in dancing with me - well, us, technically - don't think so buddy. You had your chance. The other Brazilian, R, also gave it a crack, after having barred me dutifully as a good friend of the Columbian's (who knew they had loyalties??), but he also got the flick. In hindsight, that situation could have been some fun, the Brazilian had a body of steel under that shirt. Mm mmmm.

Then us 2 went to the bar and were dancing and drinking a bit, until we realised the others had ALL left... and I mean all, there was about 12 or more in total, and none of them were there anymore. And none of them cared to say goodbye - it's not like we were being conspicuous... Pelotudos.

But whatever, we left back to the hostel, all excited that we were the only ones in our room, and busted in talking loudly, to find a new girl soundly sleeping (well, not after we arrived) in one of the beds. Puta! I swiftly went downstairs and batted my eyelids at the nightshift guy, and we set about trying to locate a spare room elsewhere in the hostel. All the private rooms taken, we settled on a 10 bed dorm that had just one person in it who was checking out the next day. Boom.

Oh, that poor guy. I sure hope he doesn't figure out who we were. Or maybe he did, and that gave him sweeter dreams. Either way, we had fun! Ah, I can be so selfish sometimes..

Afterwards, at about 8am, we stumbled out of the room and past the manager who had now started his shift - I can only imagine what he thought (I mean, if we'd stumbled IN sure it would make sense, but stumbling OUT of a room... hmmm) - in the search for empanadas. At first, all we found was guys honking at us - what a sight we must have been - but then the restaurant across the road looked promising. A very overpriced empanada later, and we were still not satisfied. By this time, the bakery on the corner had opened so we got another empanada but then just ended up throwing them on our luggage and falling asleep.

When I woke, there was only 1 empanada and an empty bed where the Dutch girl slept. I know what she's up to...haha. Mmm, empanadas.

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