Sunday 22 May 2011

Getting shots...of the non-alcohol variety :(

I arrived in Cordoba late morning, having spoken to my CS friend and arranged everything. So it was sorted. I was in Cordoba, not in Buenos Aires (already my day was getting better), I had had SOME sleep in the bus but also managed to see some of the beautiful countryside out my window... and I had a bed to sleep on that night. A free bed. I always like the sound of that.

I got to E`s house and he was instantly welcoming... the oldest CSing host I have had but kinda refreshing that he has his shit sorted. Taking in 20-something backpackers from around the world, though, an interesting choice of company for a 40-year-old... Anyway, who am I to judge, you are what you feel. Regardless, he is a very inviting host and had lunch ready for me when I got there. Lucky, I was starving and those overpriced sandwiches had barely touched the sides. Nothing like the full-surface get-up I got from Iguazu to Bs As. Ho hum.

His house was nice, except a bit odd as the kitchen/eating area was connected to the bedroom/loft area with a bathroom. First time I have seen a bathroom with 3 doors. Well, I guess it`s good his bathroom isn`t in his room or something!!

I felt a little tired but staved off the exhaustion in order to get some shit done. First on my list: Yellow Fever Vaccination. Well, wasn`t that a mission. Had to go from one unknown hospital to another, using my basic Spanish skills to get myself there in a taxi and then home on a bus. But I did it, and got the vac for free - apparently it`s a campaign they have in Argentina to prevent the spread of the illness. I am usually a little more flippant with these kinds of life-threatening situations, but having just experienced 1 night of food poisoning and being told YF is like a 2-3 week version of that, I am getting the shot.

So now I have the certificate and even my entry form for coming back to Argentina from Uruguay - I am so organised!! Usually I just play dumb when I go into countries, I have no idea what forms they need... so far I have not been charged any extra fees. For this, I consider myself a darn sight blessed.

That night, we had a nice dinner at the local Mexican restaurant - as you do in Argentina - and waddled into town (actually, drove, which was a nice change) to find a park and have a drink in amongst the students. I wasn`t really feeling it, to be honest, and was soooo tired so after just one cocktail I called it a night. Felt bad but E said he was also tired. Bless him for wanting to show me the town anyway.

I wasn`t super looking forward to another night amongst almost pre-pubescent youngsters but I put it down to just being tired. Which makes me cranky at the best of times. And where the hell were all the big-boobed chicks I was told about in Cordobabababababa???? And damn my super hot friend from here for being so useless and no replying to my message. I want to see your beautiful face... just one last time. Damn you and your perfection.

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