Tuesday 10 May 2011

Finding tranquility through the hangover

A few days in a remote hostel without internet and I am scrambling to get on top of things... So let´s start with Sunday, shall we.

I woke up with a hideous head - yes, even I can be human sometimes - and clambered to get my things together for the trip to the ferry port and beyond, Uruguay. Luckily, I had decided to be organised beforehand and didn´t have all that much to do, although with this head it seemed like a million and 1 missions. Oh, the pain.

The reason I hurt so much was that the night before, Saturday, had been rather large for a number of staff members, all of us joining in the bday party of one of Moving Bar´s barmen, H. He was in good spirits, of course, and looking good, and I just may have given him a bday kiss as a present... but he was massively distracted with all his friends so either he didn´t want anything more or he didn´t notice he could have gotten it should he desire. He spent all night telling me I was gorgeous so I gather it was the latter.

In the end, I was bored of the club we went to and ALL the guys in the club - friends and people I randomly kissed then tired of - so I started scanning for a girl. Eventually my eyes met a pretty BsAs-born lass and it was on. The group all left shortly after and I was taking up the rear hand in hand with the girl, trying (but not that hard) to not be too obvious about my intentions.

As the group got to the hostel and descended downstairs to re-open the bar, I shot a glance to the girl and said, "Arriba?" to which she duly nodded. Done. Some new girls had moved into my room, but as I wasn´t technically breaking any rules bringing another girl in there, and I was leaving the next day, I cared little about them hearing anything. Selfish I know, but we did TRY to be quiet...

At one point, she got up to go to the bathroom and I happened to glance after her... the bathroom being right next to the exit, I actually saw her take a quick look over her shoulder and BAIL out the door. Baahahaha that is totally something I would do... snaps to her for having the balls. I was kinda relieved anyway, wanting to get SOME sleep before battling the next day.

So here we are. At the next day. It was hell. I could´t face food yet my stomach craved something to soak in what was at frequent intervals trying to surface again through my mouth. I chose famine. Got the bus and walked to the ferry station, deciphered eventually how to check-in, buy food (which I could do after I put down my hectic backpack), go through immigration, get my stamps (2 - one for exit from Argentina, 1 for entry to Uruguay, lazy Uruguian bastards haha) and board the ship. Sounds easy, but not for me. Not this day. I swear I almost missed my boat.

Just 1.5 hours later I arrived in Uruguay, having not seen any of the beautiful water scapes out the window - just trying to sleep on the cuntish plastic leather seats they provided, trust me to choose the cheapest ferry co - had my apple confiscated at quarantine (mother fuckers, only bit of nutrition I had in forever), and boarded the bus to El Galope hostel. Peace. Quiet. Tranquility. Por favor.

I got dropped off at a random bus stop seemingly in the middle of nowhere - perfect for tranquility - and actually almost cried when I sat on my backpack to wait... the sky was settling into what I now know is typically beautiful Uruguian sunset, pinks n purples seeping into the blue of the day. Despite being by a main road, the tranquility was dripping from every paddock, every fence post, every bird flying above... this is what I needed.

I was picked up by the wife of the couple who owned the hostel, and taken to the little 10-bedder they call home. Set in the country, but not all that far from either the town of Colonia or the capital, Montevideo. In the paddock surrounding the rooms, 3 horses grazed in the fading light while in the main room, a fire was slowly stoked by the few other girls staying for the night (2x German and an American). My tired, Buenos Aires-out body instantly felt warmed by not only the nice company, but the total atmosphere.

After a delicious salad (yes, salad, time to eat a LITTLE healthier) for dinner and a gaze into the clearest night sky I have seen in a long time, I retired to bed. Well, we talked a little together beforehand but I steadfastly refused to indulge in any more alcohol. But when the clock struck twelve, yes, this little lady needed to sleep.

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