Sunday 22 May 2011

Cordoba: Good for girls, bad for boys

E and I planned an asado for Saturday night, and so we should have - asados (the Argentine word for BBQ) are an integral part of the Argentinian diet and if done right, are extremely, extremely tasty. We headed out to the supermarket, stocking up all meats of all varieties and bits n pieces to tantalise the tastebuds - at the end of it all, I came away spending my entire day`s budget but hey, sometimes you just gotta splurge. And considering my entire day`s budget is $25, it was not really much of a splurge.

Next, we took E`s 2 dogs - big, black Dobermans - for a spritely walk to the nearby river. I say spritely because with one of these dogs in hand (the female, no less), I was almost pulled across several lanes of traffic and into ditches as she bounded ahead of me, muscles rippling under my poorly grasp. I managed not to succumb under the pressure, though, and am still alive to tell the tale. I gotta say, however, that walking down the street with a Doberman certainly clears the path. Much better than pepper spray down a dark alley.

We played frisbee with the dogs, one being almost blind he ran full pelt into me and almost winded me, but still had fun. Bless him. It was the first time I played with Dobermans, and it was actually really fun. They are lovely dogs. Just need to keep a firm hold of them when any other dog traipses by. Not a good combination.

After that, we headed back and had a bite to eat. Then we went into the centre, which I still hadn`t seen, and E took me to the weekend feria (markets). Yay! My love/hate relationship with markets endured, with me wanting everything but having no space in my bag nor money to purchase with. Ho hum. But the markets were great and we found a little bar with awesome decoration down a funky little alley to have a beer at.

Then it was asado time! We got the coals burning bright on the backyard BBQ, with the dogs running around us sniffing the air, and heaped on the meat. MEAT RRROOOOOOOOAAARRRRRR!!!! Haha... tucked into that, it was amazing - I love how salty they do the meat, definitely taking that back to Oz. We ate way too much, of course, and E taught me how to drink red wine properly (actually much better when you have a good wine like we did!!) and then I got myself ready for a night on the clubs.

E is an architect and he took me to a club he designed, so we were able to actually get in - it was almost 3am by that stage so there was little chance of getting in otherwise. The place, as expected, was teeming with uni students all wearing belts as skirts and everything tight tight tight as a toiger. Not a bad thing, and I am not complaining, just a mild observation. The chicks here are HOT, shame about the guys though.

It was quite entertaining viewing for me, though, being virtually a fly on the wall because I wasn`t stick-thin and also dancing with E all night. I got to watch all the guys eyeing the girls (aka their prey), go in for the kill, usually get barred, and try for the next girl in the line. Haha... ahh, post-teen lust. It made me feel about 50 years old.

I called it a night about 5am, a bit over the music and kinda wanted to sleep anyway. It had been a big day. And I had to stop spending money. This is the most expensive part of my trip so far I reckon! And I wanted to get back to the markets the next day. Speaking of, the time is nigh!! Feather earring here I come!

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