Monday 2 May 2011

Itchy Buenos Aires feet...

Decisions decisions decisions... every time I friggin wake up I am faced with the new dilemma of where to go next, when to leave, how much money it will take to get there... damn these decisions.

Now my mates have left, I have to make new ones, and that is getting to be a lot of effort... urgh. I have told myself to take it easy tonight, not spend much money today, be fresh n ready for the Walking Tour and promoting hostel events tomorrow... should actually start acting responsible if they are going to be giving me perks like free accomm in other cities and free activities. I am still waiting on that Tango Show, which I`m told may be this Wednesday.

The allure of the city changes for me day on day... one day I feel excited and energised, the next bored and irritated. I know it all depends on the weather and who I have to hang out with, but I really feel it is draining me of funds here and I should explore other places. Also, people keep coming back from Uruguay saying how amazing it is...

There is a hostel connected with Hostelling International near Colonia in Uruguay that I am going to try and get some free nights at, then head to Montevideo to stay with a CS friend and then go to a place I hear is BEAUTIFUL, maybe try to work there for a bit... then go to Chuy with another CS friend. Who knows...all I know is that I do NOT want to budget but I know I have to.

Alright, I should really vamos. I want to get to this awesome boutique and try on some shoes... hello early birthday present for me!! Except I have no idea how on earth I would fit them into my bag, to be honest!! Urgh!

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