Wednesday 18 May 2011

Beauty and the Beast: Cabo Polonio to Chuy

Ahh, drunk posts. Gotta love them. So...winding back the clock again to the posts I have not yet done...

We`re still in Cabo Polonio, but it`s the final day. I have decided to leave with the rest of Grupo del Mundo, because F has a car and it worked out to go with them on a short road trip up the coast and end up in Chuy, a cheap place to buy cameras. And lord knows I need another one to lose. Boom.

On our last night, as the sun set, we went up the lighthouse for the princely sum of $1, and it was the same time the lighthouse man put on the light. That was cool, when I flicked the switch. The contraption is still original, made of crystal panels and with such a small light in the middle it`s hard to believe it throws off such a beam. It is pretty much the only light in the town after dark, it really is weird having NO street lights and no lights on inside most of the houses. Lucky there has been a good, bright moon to light our way back - even though we still manage to get lost amongst the reeds most of the time haha...

So the next day we piled back into the monster truck for our farewell out of Cabo Polonio, sad times but it`s gotta be done. Said goodbye to the dead little penguins on the beach (never actually got to see a live one) and rotting corpse of a sea lion (tasty), the random baby whale bones and the little hippy shacks all boarded up for the low season. Ahh, yes, this place is special.

The monster truck journey seemed longer and way less fun on the way out - funny that - and once we got back to the bus stop, it dawned on us that the last few days were over. Never again. But we all agreed it was best to leave on a high note. Speaking of high, dammit we had no weed. Ho hum.

Piled into another vehicle, except this time it was a mild sight smaller and packed with our bags (well, mostly mine to be honest, the behemoth of a thing). It was so much fun, all 4 of us powering down the highway in the little Fiat, F at the wheel, Stones on the CD player... I certainly can get satisfaction!! Hey hey HEY!

First, we stopped off at Valeses (spelling??) next door, which was cute also but a ghost town as everywhere else was, then we went to Santa Teresa national park which had more beautiful beaches - SO similar to Australia, though, geez I am spoilt - and then to Punta del Diablo. The day was windy but I could tell it would have been a nice place to chill - A was keen to do some surfing, which I guess was the only option now since nothing else was happening. I was torn whether to bail with A and just stay there a couple of days, considering I was...well...there...but I forged on to Chuy.

Hideous town. Bordering Brazil, it was basically a one-stop shop for all things duty free, and people went there just before crossing over to things more beautiful and bronzed... and so I became one of the rest of them, scooting through shop after shop looking for the best deal. At least it was better than the hellhole known as Cuidad del Este in Paraguay. But only just. Shudder.

R and F hung around for a bite to eat - we chose a random buffet cos it was the cheapest option in this overpriced shithole - and as they were about to vamos, we ran into 3 Aussie guys who had been at Cabo Polonio at the same time as us. They were headed to Porto Alegre in Brazil as well, and before long they had refunded their tickets and squashed 3 in the back into the Fiat with R and F. Ha! Random life stories.

I bought a new camera - woot woot - the same as last time, for a little bit more money but all is good, I will get it back from insurance (hopefully) but I am just glad I have a camera again. Now just to keep it. I swear this is the sacred camera, it is NOT going out with me and alcohol, only to be handled by sober hands. So, last night it did not go out.

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