Wednesday 18 May 2011

The buffet from hell

So it seems that buffet was the cheapest option for a reason. Although, technically, I did get to taste it twice so that could be perceived as good value for money.

I felt nothing on the bus ride back to Montevideo, but as I chilled at R's pad - bless him for staying awake to let me in - the uneasiness in my stomach grew and grew. I made cup after cup of special herb tea with the dried marcella I bought back from Cabo Polonio, but nothing seemed to help. The discomfort continued to swell and so I stayed up, organising things on the internet.

Eventually, about 3:30am I took myself to bed...only to be woken a few hours later covered in a cold sweat, shivering my ass off in the bed that had been so warm and comfortable last time I stayed there. I had the overwhelming urge to vomit but I kept myself lying down, clutching my stomach and willing the urge to pass. It didn't.

What a hideous night/morning. That fucking buffet.

It took all my strength the next day to get up and organise my things to go back to Buenos Aires. I had to keep lying back down, drinking water, dashing to the bathroom for false alarms... que horible!! But somehow I got myself to a semi-normal state again and to the bus terminal, only to have to wait for almost 3 hours on the fucking plastic chairs for my bus to leave. Grr... internet times WRONG! Cunts.

But I got back to Buenos Aires... finally. A nice old Uruguian man befriended me on the bus ride to Colonia and then bought me coffee (hideous, I pretended to drink it and threw it out when he turned his back - what part of NO ME GUSTA CAFE did he not understand) and sweet croissants (those I ate), and sat next to me on the ferry ride across to BA. Gave me all his details and asked for my number, which was a bit weird, but I told him I didn't have one. No way I am getting into THAT kind of situation. Could hardly understand him anyway.

Got back to BA about 10 in the evening and proceeded to walk - WALK - with my horrendously heavy backpack "just 3 more blocks, just 3 more blocks" as everyone I asked kept telling me. Well, it WASN'T 3 more blocks. It was about 20. But by the time I realised this, I had walked the entire way and was back at my hostel. Once inside, I was told "the best price I can give you is 50 pesos per night". I'm sorry... price?? I don't DO price. Hmm, how about if I work the pizza party again on Thursday?? Ahh, the things I have to do to survive in this crazy world.

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