Thursday 5 May 2011

Fantasma...has been found!!!!

There has been one ghost that has eluded me in Buenos Aires so far... my friend from Iguazu who moved here to live with his brother about the same time I came here, and whom we actually do call ¨the ghost¨ (fantasma) because he is one of those people that just shows up without anyone noticing then leaves the same way. But he is honestly the sweetest guy I met in Iguazu and I was so devo not to be able to reach him.

You see, he is one of the last remaining people in this world to not have Facebook or an email - some call it antiestablishment attitude, I just call it lazy - so his number was stored in my phone that has been dead for a while because I lost my charger (item no. 435 in the Lost Files), so until I bought a new one I couldn't even access the digits.

Then, once I got a charger, I charged it up and when I came back from a night out, wrote a message (in Spanish) to him but was then denied sending it due to - I can only guess - having no credit. Hijo de puta!! So I put it on the backburner for the little while, while I figured out my next destination. Kinda almost gave up on seeing him, to be honest.

THEN, as only a true fantasma can, he just SHOWS UP at the other hostel I work with when I came in to check if anyone wanted to join the movie night. I couldn't believe it! He said he was just there to check out the hostel as it was owned by the same guys as Hostel Inn Iguazu, but what are the chances eh...

So he ended up coming with his brother to the movie night, but to be honest it was a bit shit - there was no free popcorn as promised, the movie was a shitty pirate copy and the screen was in a really awkward position in the bar that kinda hurt my neck to watch. Regardless, I managed to get 7 people to that friggin night so go me, I say. No one really wants to do that kind of shit when they come to BA, but fool be the person who tries to tell them that. At least they finally listened to us about the Pub Quiz - DUD IDEA!!

He promised to come back to the bar tonight for the Free Pizza party and then we can go out afterwards... am really looking forward to it. I may shag him, just not sure. He looked quite cute last night. And I KNOW he is up for it... I know these things. Need to sort out my hair though, I don't know how I am going to get the bugs outta there. Think I need to soak all the dreds in tea tree oil for a week or some shit. Uff!! I HAVE to find a way not to cut them off... sob sob.

So now today I am google google googling my ass off to try and find the best way to zap the fuckers... I will not be defeated!!! And I am not telling mum, god knows how happy she would be if she knew I was in danger of losing the dreds. Just need to find a couple of days to laze about with a massive plastic bag over my head while the buggers slowly suffocate to death in a mountain of vaseline/oil/whatever else I can find.

At least the weather has bounced back from being absolute turd yesterday, with wind that I first thought would help blow away the smog of the city but instead just blew bits of dirt n shit into my beautiful eyes... ahh, you just can't win here. And man, it was COLD yesterday. Froze me damn nips off. But today...luscious. I sat in a small park nearby and read Dan Brown, courtesy of Bulgarian T...I am going to miss that girl, what a sweetheart.

Pizza night tonight should be interesting... a have a number of people wanting to go and also there is a new bartender back from holidays who I met last night and who already asked if I was single. Hmmm. I used to find that a strange question for someone who just met me - including my beautician today as I held the skin taut and prepared for the wax rape - but now I kinda expect it. Really... is it any of your business??

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