Thursday 19 May 2011

Random police busts

The drinking began in the hostel, as it usually does for this little traveling tightass. I was getting cheaper drinks, not totally staff because someone else was manning the bar, but still a great deal cheaper than the bars outside.

I befriended 2 couples of English people, they were traveling in a group and were really nice. After a few really strong drinks and intermittent checking of my FB for communication with my Aussie friends in town, I made the snap decision to go to Palermo solo and meet them there. We had a drunken convo on the phone which led me to a random restaurant, and from there we started the party.

Things get a little blurry at this point, but I remember we walked to the place everyone was headed that night (basically there is a good party each night of the week that gets rammed and this night it was Tuesday, hip-hop night), but when we got to the front of the line we decided we weren`t really feeling it and bailed. I had less money on me anyway cos I had thrown a 50 into my bra in the dark instead of a 100. So it would`ve been my mates covering the door charge and that ain`t cool.

So we went walking and ended up at probably one of the more touristy places to go, sitting outside cos inside was rammed. We made friends with these random French guys that could speak some English but preferred to just ramble in Spanish and French even though they knew my mates weren`t really understanding... typical. I got a beer and we were sitting there chilling when S came out in a rush, grabbed N and started walking briskly towards the cab stand. Then I saw them get into a cab and I was like WTF, so I stared at them and saw S motion to me to come quickly. So I bailed, ran over and jumped in the cab. And we were outta there.

"What the fuck was that all about??" I asked S... apparently he was in the toilet about to do some lines and these men lean over the toilet wall with a searchlight, flashing some badges and saying they were police. Well, this is what he heard in Spanish... anyway, whatever they said, it scared the bejeezers outta him and so he was out of there in a flash. Weirdly, though, they took his coke and then handed it back to him, telling him to get out of there. Now.

So he did. And we along with him. Almost back at the hostel, we stopped the cab and jumped out at good ol' Red Door. By this stage, we were all well trashed so of course we struck up some conversation with randoms from Bs As. I ended up with some hot blonde chick, and was trying to get her to come back to my now empty hostel room, but she said she couldn`t leave her friend so he had to come too. One look at said friend and it was a firm NO. Then she went to the bar with the friend, and when her other mate went to the toilet, I BAILED. Couldn`t be fucked to deal with it. Back at the hostel, I made myself pasta and it was GOOD. Also went on the computer, probably not the best idea in my state but it was entertaining to read the next day.

I woke up all foggy about the night before, but with flashes of memory coming back...all of which made me giggle. Was an awesome night, thoroughly random but hey, aren`t they always the best kind??

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