Sunday 15 May 2011

Montevideo...inside and out

So where was I... oh yeah, back in the first stop-off of Montevideo in Uruguay... I woke up after another restless sleep in a new bed, but full of happiness because I had had a lovely night with my new Couchsurfing host. He had cooked me dinner, bought some wine and we smoked a spliff together while the still-warm autumn night air breezed through the 9-storey apartment balcony door.

As well as this, he is a travel agent so he organised a city tour for me completely gratis so I had that to look forward to. At his suggestion, I took a shorter-than-expected stroll around the costline of Montevideo... I know this city is smaller but it still takes me by surprise when I look at a map and then actually walk the distance. So small! Apparently there is just 3m people in this country, over half of which live in this city. Crazy!

Before the city tour, I went to R's work and met him for lunch. It was a beautiful day, so we went to a small park nearby and had NOT EMPANADAS. I have put myself on a short-term ban from those little packets of fatty goodness. Oh, how I crave one now!! But now. Must resist...

The city tour was, uh, interesting... not sure how many of you have been on a city tour through a city that doesn't really have that much to offer, but if you can imagine this, you understand why I fell asleep on the little bus more than once. I was sitting next to an American-born man who lives in Australia, and he was also kinda annoying, so I guess that lulled me into sleep quicker than bus rides usually do for me. Nevertheless, it was on a bus - hence no walking - and it was free, so I remained happy.

I had called another CS guy - the one I originally was meant to stay with but didn't due to miscommunication - to meet up for a coffee since we failed to meet through my couchsurfing at his, and he eventually called back and organised to meet me after the tour. He was nice, but a little eager to please, and so I called it a night after (he paid for) dinner, knowing that R and his friend were back at his watching the big football (soccer) match for the local team, and I would much prefer his company.

Back at the ranch, I walked in on the guys screaming at the TV and quietly retired to the corner to play with the computer and steal glances at the game. They were nice enuf to chat with me, though, mostly in Spanish when I could understand them but to be honest, they are as bad as Buenos Aires when they talk. Urgh, almost impossible to decipher sometimes!! What happened to your vowels, people?? Pronounciation?? Anything ringing bells here??

After the game - a winner for them, by the way - we were in high spirits and kept drinking, and of course I ended up being YouTube DJ again, showing them some of Australia's good'uns (some of which they already loved... Architecture in Helsinki, Cut Copy.. que al azar!!)...then R popped off to bed and it was just me and his friend.

I had already spotted the big wallpaper pic of his friend's girlfriend on his computer, so I thought he wouldn't try anything but... then we were sitting by the computer looking at YouTube - which I had slowed to Pink Floyd so I wouldn't have to dance too close with him anymore - and he took that opportunity to start stroking my leg. Hmmm. Yawn...suddenly I am TIRED, would you believe?! Buenas noches! See you LATER.

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