Tuesday 17 May 2011

Life's a beach...and I`m gonna ride it (again)

Saturday. Horseriding day. Except that when we woke, it was TEAMING with rain. And I mean belting it. Really going for it. I had heard it start to tap on the corrugated iron roof earlier in the morning, having tossed n turned after not much sleep (kinda hooked up with the Brazilian but not for long, after I realised the group dynamic should stay as it is) and spent a few hours kinda willing it to stop.

Ahh, to no avail. None of us woke by 10am, assuming the relaxed nature of Cabo Polonio would mean the horse guy would not have bothered trekking along the beach with 6 horses in tow in the pouring rain. We were right. When we finally made it to the hostel we were meant to meet him at, he said he had gone fishing instead. In the rain. Go figure. He also said that now, for some reason, it had become twice the price we were quoted yesterday and he only had 3 horses, not 6.

Hmm. Interesting. We spoke to the boys and they weren`t really that bothered, so it ended up just being me and the Swede. We arranged a ride for that afternoon, since it had cleared up nicely, and luckily the man who actually organised it was the hottest guy on the cape, Juan. Not speaking a lick of English, he rabbited on about god knows what the whole time while me and R just nodded and inserted ohhh and hahaha when appropriate (or I assume so).

When we jumped on, I was told my horse wasn`t a tourist horse, probably just some random neighbour`s horse they lent for a bit of extra cash, but she had a 5 month (but HUGE) foal running alongside her which was cute. She was also not a stubborn mule like R`s was at times, and she was really responsive with leg which I much prefer to pulling on the mouth.

The view atop my steed was just beautiful, definitely up there with the best horseriding views ever for me. We started on the beach, I had some canters, and then we crossed some sand dunes to the forest where J took us for a random little walk through some of what he called the mountain, but which looked distinctly like forest undergrowth for me... Anyway, neither of us still understood him so whatever. It was cute the way he was showing us all these things.

After the ride, his cuteness faded a little when he tried to tell us we`d been gone for 2.5 hours instead of 2 and that he should also be paid cos he was riding and working too. Well, I had only suggested he come along because I wanted to flirt, I didn`t know he wanted to charge us for the opportunity. In Australia, it costs LESS to have a guide. Go figure.

Needless to say, we didn`t pay. Most tightass tourists ever. I don`t know, I ain`t made of money. J said he would play flamenco guitar for us (me) that night, but I wasn`t so interested after the little payment episode so we never made it there. Instead, we popped into the supermarket again and got our supplies for another night of candlelit cooking and bonfire chilling. Ahh, gotta love it...

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