Tuesday 22 June 2010

When the scooter hire man says pack warm, LISTEN to him

Woke today by alarm to ready myself for this trip to some wavey beaches around the coast from Lagos, with my new Aussie friend from the hostel and a guy who works at the hostel. Unsurprisingly, the guy never turned up so me and C were forced to take action on Plan B and hire a scooter to travel around the place. We could've taken the bus but this way was funner and not much more expensive!
So we trekked around trying to find a bike hire place that didn't close for siesta and eventually got the goods. I was relegated the back seat seeing as the bike was a little more powerful (usually u need a bike licence but C owns one in Australia and telling the scooter man this seemed to suffice any rules he previously didn't want to break. Before we left, he said 'you want to take something warm, it will get cold later on' to which we both shrugged and said 'we'll b fine'. Big mistake.
Traveling to the beaches we chose the scenic route and saw some beautiful views, including quite a few really nice beaches, some old fortress ruins and a really pretty sunset. C kept laughing as we stopped and he'd turn around to hear me chomping on some of my bread and brie I'd stocked up on before we headed out. Good shit that was. So so tasty.
But, as the day wore on we started getting a liiiiiittle cool as the wind picked up. Some roads we just sat in silence as the wind stripped tears from our eyes through our sunglasses and the gales tickled the tyres from the gravel. This was serious scooter time. C was getting really cold cos he was at the front and so once we got to Sagres (where I drank a Sagres beer, just for the sheer cheesiness of it) he couldn't even entertain the idea of going to the lighthouse, the most westerly point of Europe.
So we headed to Castelejo to see this sunset the scooter man suggested. Wind was still high so we stayed for a couple of mins on the lookout before retreating lower to the restaurant and less wind. A quick bite and lay on the early evening sand, a nice sunset (though not the best I've seen) and we were OUTTA THERE. Hometime. We wrapped ourselves up in our towels, longed to be able to use our sunglasses at night to protect ourselves from getting bug face, and ventured to the cliff-hugging road back to Lagos.
Stopped in to get some petrol, by which time I was in a fit of giggles from how stupid we looked and how cold we were, and it took all my strength to get on and hold tight to C to try and warm him with body heat. Funnily enuf, we got back in 1/3 of a the time it took to get there and it couldn't have been quicker. My toes were frozen from being so exposed to the night air and every muscle ached from holding tight.
Now I'm waiting for C to come knockin' to try this 8 euro set menu from across the rd. If the restaurant is still open by the time we go! yum yum for my tum tum

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