Thursday 24 June 2010

Junkie-esque nosebleeds, impromptu dance-offs... I guess nothing changes

I sit, as I type, looking out to the balcony of my newfound friends in Porto, people I met through the Couchsurfing website who have opened their doors and hearts to become my new best buddies, just out of the goodness of their souls.

Last night I arrived in Porto after an almost 8 hour bus ride from Lagos (not so bad, had the whole backseat to myself on the first leg and a front row seat on the second). After asking multiple people the direction of the metro and getting a multitude of answers, I found a man who spoke a little English and gave me not only good directions, but a spare travel card to load up at the station (giving me half price travel, like a Oyster) and a metro map. Sweetheart!

Got to the station near my hosts' house and they picked me up - the driver of the car was a cutie but as I got to find out later that evening, he was quite sweet on the good looking flatmate so I was out. Oh well.

As soon as I arrived, they escorted me to the balcony and said 'help yourself to drinks and food'. I knew I was in for a good night. As more people arrived, the music kicked up a notch and i somehow found myself Youtube DJing Australian music to give them a taste of good quality ;) - cue Blue King Brown etc... We ate traditional Portuguese food and it was gooooood. They said we were going into town but at about 1:30am I thought, well that idea is shot. Not to be, however, as just before 2 they said 'vamosh' (or something) and we were out the door. It being the celebration of Porto's patron saint, Joao, the metro was open all hours and we jumped on to head into town.

An impromptu dance-off with T in the street and several more beers later, I found myself dancing to a Cut Copy tune (of all music to play!!) and watching people dressed as giant sardines on a balcony. Fun times. A guy called for me in the crowd and I stopped to talk to him with M-S, but when he realised I didn't speak Port he just spoke in his language directly at me. I blinked blankly at him before my friend said something vicious to him in Port and whisked me away. She tells me he said 'I want to have sex with you all night at my house'. Ha!

We decide to call it a night (or a morning) about 5:30 and once home, I go to the bathroom to discover I am experiencing the most hectic nosebleed of my LIFE. God knows why that happened. So with everyone running around trying to help and me just wanting to pass out (from drunkenness, not loss of blood, although...), I eventually got a mattress sorted and bam. End of evening. Dry, blood-soaked tissues are certainly not your ideal bedfellows in the morning. *shudder*

So I was the last to rise, of course, and we decide to go to the beach so T and T drove me and Sarah, a pretty, lovely French girl also couchsurfing. Just when I think I have a tan, these Port people show me up. Every time. I swear to god. I am just going to give up.

So that's it for the moment. We're having a big BBQ cook-up and then who knows what will happen - I would normally say that's it for the night because it's midnight but these people keep some crazy hours!

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