Sunday 27 June 2010

Leaving the house of love

I write this as I go through the final stages of packing (again, urrrghhh) to head to another Couchsurfing friend's house right in the centre of town in Porto. Although I am sad to be leaving these guys, I don't want to out-stay my welcome and they've been so generous and kind to me so far, I don't want to spoil it! What a great first Couchsurfing experience!!

Last night T, T, new couchsurfer M and I went to a club in a terrace house (god help the neighbours) which played Latino upstairs and indie rock downstairs - of course, though, we didn't leave the house til about 1am. It's so different to London!! As you can imagine, I vacillated between the two levels and got my groove on amongst the dredded masses. Yes, I was home. But strangely, I just can't seem to grasp the whole Latino dancing thing - I think the more I concentrate on it, the shitter I am. I will get it one day. Maybe in Brazil I'll meet a gorgeous Brazilian boy who will teach me all the steps. And then we'll leave the bedroom haha... kidding. Or not.

Anyway, that club combined with the rockabilly/rock n roll guys from the previous night made me like Porto even more and ensured I was dancin' up a STORM when I could! I also met the hottest Portuguese girl I've ever seen at the front of the rockabilly show, of course she was dating the singer and of course I looked like death warmed up, having not even put on make-up to go out. Ahh, such is life. I got a photo with her, actually I'll upload it now!

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