Saturday 12 June 2010

The last remnants of family fun times in France :(

June 9, 2010
Daddy’s bday! He doesn’t like to admit it but he’s 59 this year. Almost 60. So I wrote a poem about it. It’s called ‘The Year Before 6-0’. He loved it. But let’s start from the beginning. As usual, I was the last to wake and we were on the road before long, heading to another medieval town with pretty buildings and churches etc.

Eating on the run, we soon found ourselves having to axe some of our planned trip to get back in time to get ready for dad’s bday dinner. How time flies when you’re on holiday! So we got back to the house, I rushed to my loft room to finish the poem and we headed to the Lois (??) star restaurant in a random little town a short while away.

The dinner was excellent, the service impeccable, my present rocked (a number plate that said ‘Super Papa’ – WICKED), nothing could be faulted… Best ever.

June 10-12
More Chateau visiting, patisserie stalking and stupid fart jokes from the backseat crew. Bit tired now to write all about it but trust me it was fun and good times - esp the last nite where us kids (including a last minute visitor in the form of my sister's old school mate for the nite) went 'out on the town', that meaning finding a pub and having some drinks. Some drinks turned into a fair few, and we even broke out the 3 litre beer jug. Don't even ask. HEEEEEAVVVVYYY.

So I have to sleep now. Getting up in 3 hrs to get a flight to portugal. Seriously, when do i EVER get a flight that's not a ridiculously early hour of the morning where I'm operating on NO SLEEP the nite before... Shiezer.

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