Sunday 20 June 2010

This place is crawling with Aussies, I'm never getting laid...

My last night in Lisbon was another trip to Bairro, but this time it was me that was tired not A. Luckily, however, his friend arrived with a hot Norwegian and I was sold. Distraction supplied, triedness warded off. That reminds me, I gotta email her to see if she's keen to come to Porto with me. Work it baby.
Anyway, so I managed to once again keep myself awake until after 3am when I needed to get up by 7am to get my bloody bus to Lagos but luckily I wasn't very drunk and the sun woke me up naturally (much better than an alarm) so I don't feel so bad. Had a micro-snooze in the bus as well so it's OK. I'm a battler anyway.
Got to Lagos and it's GORGEOUS! Not a massive town, but that's what I expected. What I didn't expect, however, was the first backpacker I spoke to to tell me that the place is full of Aussies and that the nightlife is crazy. Hmmm. Here I was thinking I'd have a few days rest before my big Porto adventure. Oh well, roll with the punches I say. Shame about the Aussie factor, though - I seriously thought I might have a chance at picking up here *sad, pouty but slightly sultry face*
Walked into town with my hectic bag situation (must do something about that) looking for this hostel I found online that was the cheapest - wandering around the centre of town aimlessly I resolved to myself to just get a room at the first hostel I saw, then lo and behold, my hostel is right in front of me! How's my luck eh!
So they tell me its 20 euros when I know its 12.50 online, so they meet me halfway and I accept. The staff are lovely, wireless free and my room is private with a double bed and best of all (for potential holiday skankiness), it's entry by key only after 11pm ie no one checking who comes in with an extra person. Hey, I gotta keep my hopes up.
I'm told the best places to check out locally and then head to the beach... it is BEAUTIFUL here. And that's just the talent on the beach. haha no seriously it is gorgeous. I'll upload a photo soon. The water is so calm the lifeguards are playing boche in the sand. I had a couple of beers, people-watched for a while (focusing particular attn on a group of aussies who I vasillated between thinking were cool and ultra annoying and one of which helped me discover a new zoom setting to my camera only to realise he was a bit bogan - let's c if i bump into them tonight) then retired to get ready to meet a new Couchsurfing contact. He doesn't have a pic - this could mean he's dog ugly or just lazy - so I don't know who I'm looking for but at least it gives me a good starting pt to go out.
Speaking of, I must run - duty calls!

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