Thursday 3 June 2010

Currently listening to: 1920s burlesque jazz

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui mes beautés?
I am swell. I had a sleep in today, much needed, and together with the glorious sunshine outside my window, it totally rejuvenated me for today's adventures. First off, I thought I'd check out the famous La Fayatte shopping district which - I found out once I got there - is no place for a white rasta girl with broken, worn cowboy boots, hardly any make-up and a dress which was probably in fashion about 8 years ago, if at all. So, feeling slightly out of place and sufficiently out of pocket for the wares on display at the multi-level mall, I swiftly exited and headed for Luxembourg.
After waiting in the sun and checking out some supreme Parisian hotties - but disappointingly getting picked up by possibly the ugliest boy on the street, bless him - I met my stepmother and lunched. Again, pasta called and I answered. Mmm mmmm...
After they left, I sunned myself in the beautiful Luxembourg park and meandered my way back to my tiny loft room in the hotel (seriously, I'm being kept with the spare trundle beds) and now I'm almost late for meeting my sister and her boyfriend for the Moulin Rouge!
I'm so excited, I've even prepped myself with some shuffle action on my burlesque playlist on Spotify. But alas, I must run and attempt to make myself look presentable to this ultra chic city... xx

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