Tuesday 22 June 2010

Off to find some waves...

Believe it or not, I actually suffered what could be perceived as symptoms of a hangover yesterday after my mammoth drinking sesh the previous night. So much so, my attempts to ward it off by laying on the beach only exacerbated the situation to the pt I was driving back to my hostel room to try and sleep it off. Not a good thing to be scared of the sun in a place like Lagos.
Anyway I met another Aussie (surprise surprise) at my hostel who I then ran into while talking to some (more Aussie) flyer girls out the front of the clubs. We went to a cool jazz bar called Stevie Ray's, not full like the other places but playing much better music, much nicer looking and with good quality alcohol - none of this 3 euro cocktail bulllshit. Not that that doesn't have it's upsides. But drinking walnute Frangelico with crushed lime does lure one into a false sense of social superiority don't it.
Drunk (but hot, but so drunk) aussie girl fails in her attempt to get us back into her skanky bar and we head back to the hostel at a very reasonable hour. Am glad because I didn't want to push it and feel like crap again when I'm meant to be exploring!
Just waiting for my new friend (also a chef, how many bloody chefs do I want to meet over here??) to come knock on my door and tell me the guy from the hostel is here to take him surfing. Apparently there's waves around the coast a short drive from here. But knowing the Portuguese, his version of 10:30am will surely be around midday. Then I plan on hitting Sagres, the town named after the local beer (or is it the other way around???), the most westerly point of Europe. Fun times!

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