Monday 27 December 2010

I remember our dance-offs...

I got to T's husband M's parent's place and was given a warm welcome by the very German mum and dad. The place they live is in the upper class area of Germany, called Grunwald, where some people live in cathedrals worth 700 million euros. Just a trifle, really.

Their cottage, really, in comparison was still furnished nicely and had a cavalcade of family portraits etc adorning the walls that read such a rich history, it was really incredible to see. I wish my family had that! Or at least records beyond 3 generations! haha...

The party for T and M was tonight, so we ran around trying to get things ready and I pulled out the makeup case from the bag again to get primped with my one good dress. The party was really great, M got to see all his old friends again, some of which he hadn't seen in 10 years. I totally know the feeling because it's similar whenever I go home. He hadn't even seen his family for 3 years. Eek! 1.5 is bad enuf for me!

We upped and left about midnight to an underground private party held by M's friends from the local area. It was in town, so that meant a bunch of car-sharing, and I was 'lumped' with the cute German boys. Lumped... haha... We got there, I grabbed T and we danced. First on the dancefloor and boy how we worked it. I've missed that girl. Didn't give a shit that absolutely NONE of the guys were paying attention to me (what's new haha) and had a great time gettin' loooooose. Sorted.

I still wasn't sure of my whereabouts for Christmas day, as no one had mentioned it and even M wasn't sure it was still 'just a family' thing. When I met his lovely sister J, however, that was soon sorted. She asked me - nay, insisted - I come to their Christmas (as in Christmas Eve, they celebrate it a day earlier in Europe) dinner the next day. What a sweetheart. So I was enveloped in their cocoon of love and it was really a beautiful feeling. I wasn't going to be alone in a hostel on Christmas after all.

Most Expensive Bathroom Visit Ever

So I left my beautiful new family in Poimossel to travel south to Munich for my gorgeous friend T's wedding celebration, and to finally meet her new husband. Exciting times! The ride down was pretty nice, besides the 90 minute delay of my original train in Luneberg due to snow. No worries, however, as the 6:59 train arrived at 8:30, only 30 mins after my original train, and I was only a little late for my ride from Hannover.

The man who was driving turned out to be a Harry Krishna, and said some really beautiful things. When I told him about my getting the High Priestess card in my reading, he said it was true, he could see me in a past life all dressed to the nines and singing and dancing in a circle with other women "of nobility". Just the way I like it.

So I actually didn't need my headphones at all and enjoyed listening to the English parts of the conversation I could actually understood. It was a shame, then, that when we said goodbye he was a little awkward and went to shake my hand instead of kiss my cheek goodbye. I thought we had a connection, dammit! But anyway, I got the name of some famous horse whisperer from Germany that apparently trains horses in Hungary. So you never know, maybe I might just look him up for some guidance.

In Munich, I called T to arrange to meet her and hubbie near the main train station and when she arrived, she asked where my bag was. When I told her in the hostel, she said "no, no, you're staying with us!" So I went back to the hostel, an hour after I checked in, and checked out sans refund. Bummer. You know, that is the second time I have used that hostel for an hour or so. Too funny.

At least I got to use the bathroom. 11 euros for a bathroom. Gotta be a record.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Farewell Pomoissel and your beautiful snow

Well, the weather really kicked me in the guts today as my special little farewell present. When I went to feed in the morning I was FREEZING!! It was one of those days where everything was snowy but there was no cloud - the worst. This means there is only freezing to come. I'm serious. The horses' water was all frozen so I got another bucket, but by the time I'd finished cleaning the paddock it had already started to freeze as well. Poor things, wonder if they got a good drink in all day.

The air was icy to my face and my hands got so cold I actually didn't know if I had fingers anymore or not. Oh, and goody, I just looked at the forecast and tomorrow max temp is -4. Wooooot!! I heard there were delays at the train station I am using tomorrow morning, so I hope that's sorted before I have to go. Don't particularly want to be waiting around freezing my tits off at 6:30am. Brrr... Frozen peas just thinking about it.

Did the chrissie present exchange today, which was very sweet. G gave me snowflake shaped lights to hang up and L gave me a cute little wallet and earrings which I totally would've chosen had I been asked. I gave them some candles and candle holders, quite pretty actually, and wrote a poem for L which I have copied in as a post so I hope you enjoy that. J, J and daughter M also got some candles which they liked.

I have really enjoyed staying here and having this amazing winter experience, this property has such a positive energy to it and it has been quite restful for me. I am not going to miss getting up to feed early though, but I suspect it will be expected of me all over again in Austria. Oh well, I'll just have to make the most of now before it happens again.

So it's an early start tomoz, then to Hannover by train and a lift from there to Munich. The guy seems nice so hopefully it will be a good ride. Maybe not 220km an hour though... fingers crossed. I bet I'll just sleep anyway. Speaking of which.... toodle-oo!!

My winter poem

The Warmth of Snow

She walked through the snowflakes, floating it seemed,
Feeling less human, more something she’d dreamed.
The primary touch of her boot-laden feet,
Left marks, all her own, in the ivory street.

The day yet created, she savoured the dawn,
Longed for extensions of time to the morn.
Life was so peaceful, just her and the white,
So fresh was the hour, so recent the night.

Her heart, in its casing of ice, throbbed within,
The worn woollen jacket a little too thin.
She’d leapt from her bed, spurred from frustrations great,
And thought of her comfort a little too late.

Looking instead for the comfort of earth,
Finding, in truth, the real weight of its worth.
For troubled a mind its purpose is clear,
To filter the darkness, release it of fear.

Such purpose hung heavy, surrounded her state
It clung to the air, then diluted her fate.
Her eyes draw to sunrise, in chorus with heart,
Her safety in darkness set soon to depart.

Now warmed by the snow, and lip without quiver,
She looked to what this new day could deliver.
Her worries and fears now supported by hope,
Renewed with a vigour, the knowledge to cope.

Her heart like the snow, which at first seemed so cold,
Now begged to be warmed by her stories untold.
And as the sun rose it tossed magic aside,
For this, this was real, no more reason to hide.

The rays hit the snowflakes, they answered forthwith,
No longer a dream, this vision no myth.
As sly as the sun, a smile crept to her face,
Now she knew why she had chosen this place.

Monday 20 December 2010

Guided by the cards... and the snow

Today I woke to the silent fall of snow all around me, coating yet more of the landscape in a seemingly impenetrable but at the same time so fragile. Ahh, snow makes me so romantic... Anyway, that image soon faded when I realised the horses were waiting on me to feed them. So I trudged out in my wellies, gloves and several jumpers, reminded myself there was only 1 more morning of this to go, and sorted out the little fatties.

Lüneburg was a short but nice shopping trip for me - short because the cold still scares me (although it wasn't so bad today) and also because the longer I shop, the more I spend. That also scares me. I bought some cute little trinkets for the people I'm staying with and my mates getting married (kinda a joke, that one) as well as the parents that are throwing the wedding. Then L came home with a big shoe-box looking bag and said that was my present. Shiezer!! Now I feel so cheap and inadequate. I didn't expect anything from her...

I am still yet to book my flights or organise my visa for South America, tomorrow is kinda D day (or SA day) because I should book the flights before Christmas and New Year. I don't know if prices go up in the new year but I also don't know if I will have good internet access in Munich. I certainly can't stay on it all day like I can here!

So I have a few things left to sort out. But I am getting guidance from the tarot reading I got last night from J next door. It looked at 12 things in my life, gave a card for each, and overall it was a strong, positive reading. As usual. We laughed because I told her beforehand that I always get the High Priestess card and presto! That was the first to be drawn. I also got another Princess card and the Emperor card. So yes, strong and intuitive cards. I like the sound of that.

Sunday 19 December 2010

BREAD! In a triangle!! Well I never...

Nativity plays warm my heart (but not my feet!!!)

Before I begin to talk about this day, I must remember to mention just how amazing the bread is here! Coming from such shitty bread-bearing places like Romania and Slovakia, I had started to become used to eating white carbohydrated air. But me oh my, it is just glorious the variety they have here. So many seeds, tastes, textures, even shapes... they have bread in a TRIANGLE for goodness sake!

But moving on... Today was not spectacularly different from the other days I have spent here. Fed the horses, slept til almost noon, then helped teach G some more about neck reining and fed the horses. Then me and G headed to L's school to see her perform as Maria in the annual nativity play. She goes to a Rudolph Steiner school so it was all a little different from the normal ho-hum white wash walls scenario of state schools. She did well and I followed it mostly, though it was all gobbeldy-gook to me, and her mum was proud as punch for her. I was FREEZING waiting for them to come out afterwards though, oh man I could NOT believe how cold I was.

I had compliments from both G and J about my riding their horses... both said they found them better behaved and trained after I worked with them. So that was nice to hear. L also told me she spent some of last night at her friend's house looking through the hundreds of photos of me on Facebook and becoming more and more amazed how I actually looked and acted when I went out. If only she knew...

Tomorrow I will head to Lüneburg to get some small treats for these guys for Christmas and maybe a wedding pressie for T and M, who I finally spoke to yesterday after days of stress. I was getting tid bit of info here, tid bit there... just wanted to know some concrete details!! So now that is sorted, I just need to find a lift! And the lift gods are yet to bless me on that one.

Oh, and finally, one of G's cats pissed on my backpack today to mark its territory. That was a nice little wake-up call in the morning.

Saturday 18 December 2010

The cold scares me

Today I got another disappointing email from the person I´d organised a lift to Munich with, saying because I hadn´t SMSed her yesterday she gave my spot away. Great. I wasn´t aware I had to SMS, just email, which I did... but anyway. I was PISSED OFF that someone got the message so wrong, but then L and I went riding in the forest and that cleared my head a little.

The forest ride, all 2 hours of it, was beautiful because the sun kept peeking out from the clouds and making the snow sparkle and glisten. It was a little hectic for me, however, because I chose the thinnest gloves possible (me being the Aussie that refuses to believe the world ever gets cold enuf for super thick gloves) and even the 2 thick pairs of socks didn´t stop my feet from also freezing.

So while I was enjoying my time in the great snowy outdoors, I was also quietly wondering just how long it would be to get home. There is only so much my poor little sun-loving body can take. And extreme cold like this (about -7) scares me. True story.

We were going to go toboggening today but it didn´t happen so I´m glad I at least got a ride in. And now I am fine with the lift falling through because it will probably mean now I can spend a night checking out Hamburg and its sex district haha. Maybe that´s where I should look for a wedding present for T and M... ;)

Das is Aida, ja!

Last night I went to the theatre... but not just any theatre, a GERMAN theatre. Yes, that´s right, I went to Lüneburg to see the musical G plays violin in the orchestra for. Except she found out when she got there that she´d misread her schedule and didn´t have to play that night!

Anyway, I got myself schusched up, pulled my makeup case from the bottom of my bag and tottered out in a pair of L´s heels (having accidentally put my boots into the horse´s water trough thinking I was breaking the ice with wellies). I was glad to get out in the night air and see some sights, having been in this little village for a week now.

I checked out the little Christmas market before having some dinner (and regaining the feeling in my toes), and heading to the theatre to see a German version of the Elton John/Tim Rice musical Aida. G had explained the storyline before so I wasn´t totally lost, and found it quite entertaining anyway. I must admit, though, I am thoroughly spoilt with musicals and as a result, every off-key note that was sung or dance move out of time made me wince. But overall, I was glad I got a bit of culture into the ol´ noggin.

In terms of horses, I managed to work not 1, not 2 but 3 of them (poor Cowry felt very unloved) and was quite happy with myself. Did I mention yet that I am really enjoying my time here?

Friday 17 December 2010

Beertastic, sliding snow spastic....

Yesterday I experienced a true local German bottle shop and also what it really meant to drive in a snow storm. At night.

Firstly, me and G went to the shops to get ingredients for the pizza we were cooking last night (and a yummy as hell rumball mmmm), then went to the bottle shop for some beer. Yay!! I was missing the yummy brown stuf :) I walked in - and let me say this wasn´t a particularly large shop - but I was simply staggered at how many different varieties of beer there was! I mean, every colour, flavour, idea imaginable... it was awesome. We just chose some simple pilsner and went on our merry way. But man, give some respect to ze Germans for that lot!

Then, later that day, I was asked by J to drive her to her friend´s place in the next village to get some herbs for her depressed horse. It had been snowing a fair bit all day and when I started driving, the first snowflakes were starting again. Now there are several things alarming about this picture... firstly, I am Australian. I drive on the left side of the road. Secondly, I have never driven in the snow. Thirdly, the car was a piece of shit and did not have snow-worthy tyres on. So I just gripped the woollen-covered steering wheel and smiled pleasantly as I drove carefully through the slippery streets.

After some freshly baked brownie cake, "mystical" herbal tea and a fairly deep conversation with someone I'd just met, we ventured outside to find the weather had pretty much turned into a snowstorm. This shit was currrraaaaazzzzyyy. I could hardly see 2 feet in front of me, the car was slippin' a little and to top it off, it was getting dark.

Then came the hill. A truck had already given up and was slowing traffic in both directions. The truck in front of me also didn't take long to lose steam and as I stopped to let him pull over, I then had the challenge of starting my own car up the hill. It was a bloody hard thing to do! And then when J was out pushing the car, I had to stop again. When 2 German men jumped out of their cars to help, they started shouting through the window at me. Seems this time I neglected to take the handbrake off. I was just laughing as J jumped into the car as it slowly made it up the hill, and the men were shaking their heads saying, "Bloody woman". Or the equivalent in German speak.

So I made it home alive. And then we made pizza. I've gotta say, it wasn't my finest product but they seemed to enjoy it. I was STUFFED, ate so much, and then waddled off to sort out this bloody resume for South America.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

South American plans... going south already??

The most remarkable thing about today was the progress I made in my plans for South America. After receiving the positive, hap-hap-happening Couchsurfing response... actually before I continue I will copy exactly what he wrote and you can tell me if it seems at all like something I would be interested in:

"During Carnivall we have a lot of diferent parties, usually some song in a big car, everybody singing or dancing. It's cool, but really hot. Bring light - or even lighter clothes. There is a lot of cars, everyday, in a lot of diferent places. It's also a party where you can date anyone. Usually is like a summer passion. What happens in the Carnival, stays in the Carnival. If you can live a passion like that, be gratefull, usually they are very intense, and ends in 7 days, but we can remember things like that for all our lifes. It happens just once or twice in our life, anyway, so don't worry too much.

It's also a party where you can be who you want. Bring a costume - or don't - dress like a poor girl, a princess, guys dressing like prostitutes, a lot of beer, a lot of sun. Yeah, it's a hell, but can be good.

What more can I say about carnival? Sometimes I just want to stay away from Rio, it's a too passional party, sometimes I just want to sleep in the beach, enjoy, go out without know when I will come back.

The best place to stay during carnival is a central place, or near the beaches. Do you want to stay here? I will host a couple, but I might host one people more. It will be a little crowded, but it's carnival. Bring some beers (I will wait for you with at least 100 cans in my freezer) and let's party!"

So there it is. Exactly what I wanted to hear in one message, wrapped up in a neat little package. Since I got that, I have been off the CHAAAAAAIIN trying to organise myself to get there and as excited as I am, even I have to admit I am continuing hitting barriers.

Firstly, there is the issue of price for the flight there. It is never cheap to get to South America at the best times of times, let alone Carnivale, so that is a challenge. Then I find out all the requirements I need to actually get into the country... those visa things and oh yeah, an onward ticket... WTF?? I don´t DO onward tickets. It means I need to put a semi-definite date to returning home for sis´ wedding, which scares me a little.

Then there´s the issue of earning money while I´m there. On what I will have left in the bank, I will last about 1 week (esp in Carnivale) so a job is a must. I already have 1 hostel saying I can work there but they have a 2 month minimum and also don´t feed me so I would still need money to spend. And I don´t particularly like the thought of being trapped in this hostel for 2 months, esp since I imagine I would be digging for another job straight away and want to move to that asap.

Ideally, I need a hostel with a 1 month minimum or even a salary (unlikely) instead of just accommodation but who knows... The search continues. Bless me world, you know I´m good for it.

Monday 13 December 2010

A glorious day

I had a wonderful day today. I did my normal waking up by 8am to feed then falling back asleep til midday routine, so I was plenty rested and had lots of downtime to think about my plans for next year. Who knows how I will manage to meditate in Prague, my mind is constantly going.

At the midday feed, it started snowing again but beautiful, fat clumps of snowflakes that I am still fascinated by, and I didn´t mind at all being out amongst it all so I decided to pick up all the leftover apples. Then after some internet surfing, I knew it was time. Time to tackle the beast that is my hair. It was dirty, I have a wedding coming up and I could not go with my hair in that state.

I decided to use the bath tub for better mobility and also the shower fills up slightly around my feet and if I was washing my hair, the hairs would be floating around and possibly start to touch me and cling to me. Hideous. So the bath it was. But before the big wash, I slid into the steaming water to just soak myself. As I did so, I looked out the window at the falling snow and white everything, and wondered if I´d ever have such an experience again. After a while it got too hot and I opened the window to let the cold air in. What a feeling...

Then, just as I was snug n warm in my fisherman pants, J came in asking if I wanted to ride to the shop for some chocolate. I fashioned my hair middle eastern style with a towel under my hoodie and was ready to roll. Quite effective really. I´m still wearing it as I type this.

The ride was beautiful, not really cold at all, and the snow had stopped so everything was just that beautiful white silence that only fresh snowfall can bring. I wish I had my camera.

Then when I was tidying up the kitchen, J came over with their cute little 4 year old daughter M because she said she wanted to hang out with me. They had explained I couldn´t understand her but she didn´t care, and just followed me around jabbering in German and throwing my sparkly tutu around the place. So easily amused.

And now I´m about to eat pumpkin soup for dinner. So yes, I would say that today was possibly the nicest day I´ve had here so far.

Sunday 12 December 2010

And this was before I got drunk...

Scaring Slovakian traffic

Toasty warm with chicken curry

Thank goodness I was picked up from the random train station I got off at - it´s moments like these I wish I was a little more organised, like maybe have the address or full name of the people I was staying with, you know, just in case I actually didn´t have a lift and was stuck at the station forever and ever. Just a thought.

Anyway, I am now safe n sound in G´s house fully fed up with a nice chicken curry dinner and satisfied I have been for a ride in the forest. But fuck me it was cold. Not as cold as last time though, so I have to be thankful for that. But I wore one less jacket and by the end of the ride, I was rethinking just why I did that. And my flimsy stockings did almost nothing under my jodphurs. This Aussie just cannot dress for winter!!

I am currently entertaining the thought of South America for next year. Yes, yes I know I change my mind every second day but I am really vibing on this South America idea. I am thinking maybe I could hook up some work at a hostel for free accomm and food or whatever, and just work some Sophie deLightful magic in town til I find something to do for actual cash. Hopefully stay there for a few months... Otherwise just bail and go work on a farm somewhere in South America.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Apple tea, olives, extra seats = sweet sweet bus ride

That´s it, I´m outta Slovakia and back in Germany! And it seems I was running away from the snow, which was my exact idea really... I got on the bus in Bratislava and it had just been lightly snowing, then as I traveled through Czech it was evident it had been really pouring recently. However, it held off largely until - when I was semi-comatosed from a sleeping pill - the bus had to slow to a virtual crawl and therefore ended up adding another 1.5 hours to the already 14 hour journey. Now in Germany, there´s little evidence of recent downpours and I´m hopeful I can ride some at G´s place.

I am so thankful for sleeping pills. Except when you´re woken by a jab from a policeman at the German border asking for your passport. That is one confusing wake-up call. I must´ve looked like a drugged-out escapee from the forests of Slovakia (I´m sure there are some out there) with my lion hair spurting all directions and unable to fully open my eyes for them to compare my passport photo with my actual face. Perhaps the pill worked so well because I´d lubricated myself up before I got on the bus with 5 beers and pasta with a sauce I created myself that included a Baileys-styles white liquor before I got on the bus. Mm mmmm...

The times I did look out the window it was quite pretty, with little mounds of snow everywhere and white roofs and streets covering the scars of the world. Nothin´ like a good bandaid hey.

I tell you, it is quite a weird experience teaching kids while looking out the window at their playground just covered with snow. I know I have been away long enuf to appreciate the look and experience of snow but somehow I just can´t get over it.

And speaking of kids, me and N did our presentation with them for the parents, teachers and virtually all the students and it went much better than expected. I was super stressed because the boss had arrived from Budapest and I didn´t want him to think he couldn´t leave the week to us and not screw it up. But everyone seemed to enjoy watching it... I guess it helps when we dress up one of the kids as Santa and get him to throw lollies into the crowd.

But regardless of the delay, the bus ride was pretty sweet. From Prague, the numbers started to dwindle - even tramp lady with evil smelling feet got off, thank fuck - and I was able to stretch across the whole row of seats and enjoy several free cups of apple tea and hot chocolate. Yum. Oh, and I popped out at one stop to get a sandwich and found the BEST olives EVER. Oh yeah mama...

Now I have to chill in Hamburg - which I´ve just found out is the sex capital of Germany (lucky chance or not...???) - for a little while before heading back to Lüneburg and then Göhrde, wherever the hell that is. I just hope someone is there to pick me up!

Thursday 9 December 2010

Third week aint so weak

I know I have been slack and I apologise. Well, not exactly slack - WORKING - but still I am deeply sorry you havent been kept abreast of all my activities. Turns out working with kids is more time consuming than I thought.

This week has probably been the easiest, I have felt more comfortable and in control especially since we had to be, given my Boss E was sick and not teaching this week. He came today and no doubt we will be having a few bevos this eve, but basically me and N are rockin this shit.

The kids are generally nice, the younger ones a little more - well, a lot more - energetic so we just basically play bloody games with them. The slightly older and more experienced English speakers, in my class, are a little harder to entertain although still do make the effort which I appreciate.

On Monday, the teachers asked if they could pop their heads in and see us in action so of course they decided to do so just after the most... special... of the students fell over and got a big bump on her head. Shiezer. But it was all ok... kinda.

Me and N have spent the week jamming on his guitar, practising a song for the kids at the end of the week, and organising the presentation etc. I must say I am even impressed with our organisation. I know big boss man is!

Anyway, time to jet, final evening festivities to get to!!!

Monday 6 December 2010

Overcrowded train?? LET'S GET BOOZED!!

On the way to the train station, we spun out trying to avoid a little black bird. I love snow. Did I tell you that already??

Once at the station, I faced an 11-hour train ride to Bratislava. I armed myself with a book (about silence, no less, WTF??), a sense of calm (ha!) and an urgent need to sleep. I managed the first half of the ride relatively unscathed. Kept having to change seats because I didn't reserve one so all the rich ass mo fos had to sit in their places. Workin for the man. haha... I shouldn't blog when I'm drunk. Or stoned for that matter.


Last few hours of the journey I got up to give MY seat over to aforementioned rich jerk and was met with a flurry of Prague alightees (made that one up) heading to mostly Bratislava I would imagine. Well. Someone had sent the memo out and it was official - eastern Europe was snowed in and no mother fucker was gonna take the bus. If in fact it was running at all.

So the train was packed. What to do?? Well, you find some people your age, sit down on the floor and make friends. You then, after many minutes of speculating whether they actually deserved it, break out the chocolate. Then, completely unprovoked, the girl also takes out her far superior chocolate and offers to all. We joke that all we need is wine at this time and boy turns to his bag and breaks out a bottle of white. Things are looking up.

We spend many minutes trying to open this bottle. It's hard man. Finally, with a toothpaste, we crack through and it is the beginning of the end. Four bottles later, the train grinds to a stop and we're at Bratislava. At Bratislava, we convince girl to stay for a drink before going to meet her friend. She's already drunk. It is sweet rubber arm action.

We walk into the pub and my English boss, E's girlfriend I says "oh hi, so you made it!!" Turns out she had messaged me to meet at that very pub and we happened to walk into it, me armed with several drunk randoms including one Slovakian TV presenter asking me for English lessons (hahahahahaha - I can hardly teach myself) and ready to party. Last time they spoke to me I was all tired n shit n not looking forward to the train ride. But turns out it was A-OK!

Saturday 4 December 2010

16 and getting more than me!

I am officially jealous of a 16 year old. Sorry, 16 and a half. For the second night in a row, I have had to put headphones on to drown out the sound of her having sex with a hot German 26 year old (yep, that´d be MY age) and I am practically SCALING THE WALLS. What happened in my life to get me to this point?? Urgh. Her mum is downstairs making dinner - surely she can hear too... It´s not like she´s making much effort to muffle her screams.

Rant over. Moving on. It was a gloriously sunny day today and it made the snow glisten and sparkle... was just gorgeous. The weather has become a bit better too, was about -2 today I think. Positively balmy.

I leave tomorrow morning on a train direct to Bratislava, stoked I don´t have change trains at all. I really want to meet a hot stranger in the carriage and have some danger sex behind a seat or something. This 16 year old situation is getting out of hand. Something has to be done.

Friday 3 December 2010

Lazy days

For some reason I am really tired today. I woke up to feed the horses by 8am and afterwards fell asleep again until G woke me up at midday to feed again. I feel like all I´ve done today is sleep and feed horses. But luckily it´s not too cold and I can work outside for a reasonable amount of time before my limbs start seizing up.

I worked L´s horse Cowry today, it was pleasantly surprising that he was quite well trained and in the same manner I trained my beautiful girl Issi. But not perfect so at least there´s something to work on there. I wanted to ride today but it was one of those lazy days... evidently. Me and L watched some Sex & the City (in English, thank god, these German dubbings really throw me) and I finally pulled myself outside to work Cowry just before feeding time.

I´m madly working on my lesson plan for next week. It will be third week of teaching and I´m determined to be more organised this time. Although I have successfully flown by seat of said pants these past times, I don´t want to have the stressed feeling at the end of each school day, anxious about what the next day will bring. I was, as I guessed, asked to do another week straight after next but I declined. It would stuf around the people I´m staying with too much and I need a break - two weeks in a row is just too much for a fledgling teach like moi. I don't know how my mum has done it for umpteen years!

I had a few pangs of loneliness today as I looked on Facebook at what my mates in Oz and London were getting up to... this gypsy life can be so isolated sometimes but I just gotta remember how amazing it all is. And I won´t be away from home forever. I guess I´m also a bit scared to go home because I know it will be another stretch of no luck in love. Australia is not my love BFF, that´s fo sho. But no, I gotta stay positive - no expectations, no letdowns. At least I have my gorgeous friends waiting there for me.

First snow ride!!

So I had my first horseriding experience in the pouring snow yesterday and it was something else. One one hand, it was surreal because the snow had turned the place into a virtual ghost town, everything was white and I was rding bareback with just a sheepskin blanket to prevent the icicles on the horse´s fur from freezing my ass off.

On the other hand... the sensation of the ice-cold snow cutting into my face meant that at one point I could barely move my mouth to talk to G´s daughter L, I had stupidly forgotten to wear another layer under my jodphurs so my legs were also now frozen and my horse June couldn´t keep up with the Icelandic ponies´ brisk walk so we were constantly jogging - not a good idea given the fluffy sweet-as-pie snow actually masked a layer of slippery ice underneath. So we fell. Numerous times. Once to the knees. I stayed on but every fall made the young one even more nervous so that was a great feeling. Imagine the horse bolting into pure whiteness, no idea what´s underneath... eek.

Anyway, I am glad I did but I am not rushing out to do it every day - at least next time I will wear more clothes on the bottom half. I already look like a sumo wrestler up top. But fuck it, I´d rather have a fat suit on than freeze my tits off. Those things are valuable ;)

Snow hat!

Thursday 2 December 2010

Thrifty buys and burning surprise

I saw a care on fire last night. I don't know how or why it happened but when we drove past in Dannenburg, the bonnet was ablaze. As horrible as I'm sure it was for the owner, who luckily was not inside at the time, all I wanted to do was stop the car and get out to warm my frozen body.

Anyway in that same trip to the shops, I went thrift shopping and got another jersey for 1.50 euros (super sweet!) and some shoes that don't actually let wetness in. This is a new experience for this little gypsy, whose shoe collection currently comprises one pair of cowboy boots with a split across the entire sole, almost completely broken slip-ons from H&M, my beloved heeled brogues, flip flops, mesh-material sneakers and house slippers. An entirely inappropriate ensemble for the depths of German winter.

I've finally gotten the dates from T re wedding and Prague so can now do some more planning. It seems I do have time to come back here for Christmas so will try to do so as I think it will be a lovely experience. I've really come to like everyone here, they don't expect much from me so it makes me want to do more, and G is such a kind and welcoming spirit, just the type of person I hope to be when I am her age (51 I think).

I hope to go riding this afternoon in the snow, a first for me (except for Iceland, although it was more raining with snow on the ground), but if J is feeling better she will take June and I won't have anyone to ride. I'm sure there will be another time to ride so I'm not fussed. The house is so terribly warm :)

Finally booked a reasonably priced train to Bratislava, from the station just half an hour away from here amazingly enuf. And no changes on the train - hello sleeping pill town! Planning to get back here and then to Munich and back again for Christmas is another thing entirely, however...

Wednesday 1 December 2010

-10 and counting...

Today is officially the coldest day I have ever experienced in my life. I had to wake up by 8am to feed the horses and by golly gosh, I have never felt so cold. The poor horses' water was frozen, they have icicles hanging off their whiskers and even their shit was frozen into the ground when I tried to clean it up. But, on the plus side, I did get to see a real snowflake close up when they landed on the horses... I'm talking a real fairytale lookin' crystalised snowflake. Breathtaking.

Apparently it's down to -10 in the daytime here, pleasant enuf if you're an eskimo, and they promise more snow to come in the next couple of days. After that, apparently, it's going to "warm up". Hmph. We'll see what that means.

I am still trawling the internet for the best way to get to Bratislava - it ain't easy! The train fares are not that cheap and the longer I wait the worse it's going to get. AND this morning I woke to a confusing msg from my English teaching boss asking me if I wanted to stay longer. Stay longer where? I asked. Urgh, it's hard enuf organising all this without more complications. Just wish I didn't need the money so bad.

G invited me to Christmas here at her house, which is SO lovely and I would so much like to but I just think with the timing of T's wedding just before Christmas I will be resigned to spending it with strangers either in a hostel in Prague or still in Munich. Or, if I'm lucky, a nice new Couchsurfing friend. Sigh.