Thursday 9 December 2010

Third week aint so weak

I know I have been slack and I apologise. Well, not exactly slack - WORKING - but still I am deeply sorry you havent been kept abreast of all my activities. Turns out working with kids is more time consuming than I thought.

This week has probably been the easiest, I have felt more comfortable and in control especially since we had to be, given my Boss E was sick and not teaching this week. He came today and no doubt we will be having a few bevos this eve, but basically me and N are rockin this shit.

The kids are generally nice, the younger ones a little more - well, a lot more - energetic so we just basically play bloody games with them. The slightly older and more experienced English speakers, in my class, are a little harder to entertain although still do make the effort which I appreciate.

On Monday, the teachers asked if they could pop their heads in and see us in action so of course they decided to do so just after the most... special... of the students fell over and got a big bump on her head. Shiezer. But it was all ok... kinda.

Me and N have spent the week jamming on his guitar, practising a song for the kids at the end of the week, and organising the presentation etc. I must say I am even impressed with our organisation. I know big boss man is!

Anyway, time to jet, final evening festivities to get to!!!

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