Sunday 19 December 2010

Nativity plays warm my heart (but not my feet!!!)

Before I begin to talk about this day, I must remember to mention just how amazing the bread is here! Coming from such shitty bread-bearing places like Romania and Slovakia, I had started to become used to eating white carbohydrated air. But me oh my, it is just glorious the variety they have here. So many seeds, tastes, textures, even shapes... they have bread in a TRIANGLE for goodness sake!

But moving on... Today was not spectacularly different from the other days I have spent here. Fed the horses, slept til almost noon, then helped teach G some more about neck reining and fed the horses. Then me and G headed to L's school to see her perform as Maria in the annual nativity play. She goes to a Rudolph Steiner school so it was all a little different from the normal ho-hum white wash walls scenario of state schools. She did well and I followed it mostly, though it was all gobbeldy-gook to me, and her mum was proud as punch for her. I was FREEZING waiting for them to come out afterwards though, oh man I could NOT believe how cold I was.

I had compliments from both G and J about my riding their horses... both said they found them better behaved and trained after I worked with them. So that was nice to hear. L also told me she spent some of last night at her friend's house looking through the hundreds of photos of me on Facebook and becoming more and more amazed how I actually looked and acted when I went out. If only she knew...

Tomorrow I will head to Lüneburg to get some small treats for these guys for Christmas and maybe a wedding pressie for T and M, who I finally spoke to yesterday after days of stress. I was getting tid bit of info here, tid bit there... just wanted to know some concrete details!! So now that is sorted, I just need to find a lift! And the lift gods are yet to bless me on that one.

Oh, and finally, one of G's cats pissed on my backpack today to mark its territory. That was a nice little wake-up call in the morning.

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