Saturday 18 December 2010

The cold scares me

Today I got another disappointing email from the person I´d organised a lift to Munich with, saying because I hadn´t SMSed her yesterday she gave my spot away. Great. I wasn´t aware I had to SMS, just email, which I did... but anyway. I was PISSED OFF that someone got the message so wrong, but then L and I went riding in the forest and that cleared my head a little.

The forest ride, all 2 hours of it, was beautiful because the sun kept peeking out from the clouds and making the snow sparkle and glisten. It was a little hectic for me, however, because I chose the thinnest gloves possible (me being the Aussie that refuses to believe the world ever gets cold enuf for super thick gloves) and even the 2 thick pairs of socks didn´t stop my feet from also freezing.

So while I was enjoying my time in the great snowy outdoors, I was also quietly wondering just how long it would be to get home. There is only so much my poor little sun-loving body can take. And extreme cold like this (about -7) scares me. True story.

We were going to go toboggening today but it didn´t happen so I´m glad I at least got a ride in. And now I am fine with the lift falling through because it will probably mean now I can spend a night checking out Hamburg and its sex district haha. Maybe that´s where I should look for a wedding present for T and M... ;)

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