Tuesday 21 December 2010

Farewell Pomoissel and your beautiful snow

Well, the weather really kicked me in the guts today as my special little farewell present. When I went to feed in the morning I was FREEZING!! It was one of those days where everything was snowy but there was no cloud - the worst. This means there is only freezing to come. I'm serious. The horses' water was all frozen so I got another bucket, but by the time I'd finished cleaning the paddock it had already started to freeze as well. Poor things, wonder if they got a good drink in all day.

The air was icy to my face and my hands got so cold I actually didn't know if I had fingers anymore or not. Oh, and goody, I just looked at the forecast and tomorrow max temp is -4. Wooooot!! I heard there were delays at the train station I am using tomorrow morning, so I hope that's sorted before I have to go. Don't particularly want to be waiting around freezing my tits off at 6:30am. Brrr... Frozen peas just thinking about it.

Did the chrissie present exchange today, which was very sweet. G gave me snowflake shaped lights to hang up and L gave me a cute little wallet and earrings which I totally would've chosen had I been asked. I gave them some candles and candle holders, quite pretty actually, and wrote a poem for L which I have copied in as a post so I hope you enjoy that. J, J and daughter M also got some candles which they liked.

I have really enjoyed staying here and having this amazing winter experience, this property has such a positive energy to it and it has been quite restful for me. I am not going to miss getting up to feed early though, but I suspect it will be expected of me all over again in Austria. Oh well, I'll just have to make the most of now before it happens again.

So it's an early start tomoz, then to Hannover by train and a lift from there to Munich. The guy seems nice so hopefully it will be a good ride. Maybe not 220km an hour though... fingers crossed. I bet I'll just sleep anyway. Speaking of which.... toodle-oo!!

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