Monday 20 December 2010

Guided by the cards... and the snow

Today I woke to the silent fall of snow all around me, coating yet more of the landscape in a seemingly impenetrable but at the same time so fragile. Ahh, snow makes me so romantic... Anyway, that image soon faded when I realised the horses were waiting on me to feed them. So I trudged out in my wellies, gloves and several jumpers, reminded myself there was only 1 more morning of this to go, and sorted out the little fatties.

Lüneburg was a short but nice shopping trip for me - short because the cold still scares me (although it wasn't so bad today) and also because the longer I shop, the more I spend. That also scares me. I bought some cute little trinkets for the people I'm staying with and my mates getting married (kinda a joke, that one) as well as the parents that are throwing the wedding. Then L came home with a big shoe-box looking bag and said that was my present. Shiezer!! Now I feel so cheap and inadequate. I didn't expect anything from her...

I am still yet to book my flights or organise my visa for South America, tomorrow is kinda D day (or SA day) because I should book the flights before Christmas and New Year. I don't know if prices go up in the new year but I also don't know if I will have good internet access in Munich. I certainly can't stay on it all day like I can here!

So I have a few things left to sort out. But I am getting guidance from the tarot reading I got last night from J next door. It looked at 12 things in my life, gave a card for each, and overall it was a strong, positive reading. As usual. We laughed because I told her beforehand that I always get the High Priestess card and presto! That was the first to be drawn. I also got another Princess card and the Emperor card. So yes, strong and intuitive cards. I like the sound of that.

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