Monday 6 December 2010

Overcrowded train?? LET'S GET BOOZED!!

On the way to the train station, we spun out trying to avoid a little black bird. I love snow. Did I tell you that already??

Once at the station, I faced an 11-hour train ride to Bratislava. I armed myself with a book (about silence, no less, WTF??), a sense of calm (ha!) and an urgent need to sleep. I managed the first half of the ride relatively unscathed. Kept having to change seats because I didn't reserve one so all the rich ass mo fos had to sit in their places. Workin for the man. haha... I shouldn't blog when I'm drunk. Or stoned for that matter.


Last few hours of the journey I got up to give MY seat over to aforementioned rich jerk and was met with a flurry of Prague alightees (made that one up) heading to mostly Bratislava I would imagine. Well. Someone had sent the memo out and it was official - eastern Europe was snowed in and no mother fucker was gonna take the bus. If in fact it was running at all.

So the train was packed. What to do?? Well, you find some people your age, sit down on the floor and make friends. You then, after many minutes of speculating whether they actually deserved it, break out the chocolate. Then, completely unprovoked, the girl also takes out her far superior chocolate and offers to all. We joke that all we need is wine at this time and boy turns to his bag and breaks out a bottle of white. Things are looking up.

We spend many minutes trying to open this bottle. It's hard man. Finally, with a toothpaste, we crack through and it is the beginning of the end. Four bottles later, the train grinds to a stop and we're at Bratislava. At Bratislava, we convince girl to stay for a drink before going to meet her friend. She's already drunk. It is sweet rubber arm action.

We walk into the pub and my English boss, E's girlfriend I says "oh hi, so you made it!!" Turns out she had messaged me to meet at that very pub and we happened to walk into it, me armed with several drunk randoms including one Slovakian TV presenter asking me for English lessons (hahahahahaha - I can hardly teach myself) and ready to party. Last time they spoke to me I was all tired n shit n not looking forward to the train ride. But turns out it was A-OK!

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