Saturday 18 December 2010

Das is Aida, ja!

Last night I went to the theatre... but not just any theatre, a GERMAN theatre. Yes, that´s right, I went to Lüneburg to see the musical G plays violin in the orchestra for. Except she found out when she got there that she´d misread her schedule and didn´t have to play that night!

Anyway, I got myself schusched up, pulled my makeup case from the bottom of my bag and tottered out in a pair of L´s heels (having accidentally put my boots into the horse´s water trough thinking I was breaking the ice with wellies). I was glad to get out in the night air and see some sights, having been in this little village for a week now.

I checked out the little Christmas market before having some dinner (and regaining the feeling in my toes), and heading to the theatre to see a German version of the Elton John/Tim Rice musical Aida. G had explained the storyline before so I wasn´t totally lost, and found it quite entertaining anyway. I must admit, though, I am thoroughly spoilt with musicals and as a result, every off-key note that was sung or dance move out of time made me wince. But overall, I was glad I got a bit of culture into the ol´ noggin.

In terms of horses, I managed to work not 1, not 2 but 3 of them (poor Cowry felt very unloved) and was quite happy with myself. Did I mention yet that I am really enjoying my time here?

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