Monday 27 December 2010

I remember our dance-offs...

I got to T's husband M's parent's place and was given a warm welcome by the very German mum and dad. The place they live is in the upper class area of Germany, called Grunwald, where some people live in cathedrals worth 700 million euros. Just a trifle, really.

Their cottage, really, in comparison was still furnished nicely and had a cavalcade of family portraits etc adorning the walls that read such a rich history, it was really incredible to see. I wish my family had that! Or at least records beyond 3 generations! haha...

The party for T and M was tonight, so we ran around trying to get things ready and I pulled out the makeup case from the bag again to get primped with my one good dress. The party was really great, M got to see all his old friends again, some of which he hadn't seen in 10 years. I totally know the feeling because it's similar whenever I go home. He hadn't even seen his family for 3 years. Eek! 1.5 is bad enuf for me!

We upped and left about midnight to an underground private party held by M's friends from the local area. It was in town, so that meant a bunch of car-sharing, and I was 'lumped' with the cute German boys. Lumped... haha... We got there, I grabbed T and we danced. First on the dancefloor and boy how we worked it. I've missed that girl. Didn't give a shit that absolutely NONE of the guys were paying attention to me (what's new haha) and had a great time gettin' loooooose. Sorted.

I still wasn't sure of my whereabouts for Christmas day, as no one had mentioned it and even M wasn't sure it was still 'just a family' thing. When I met his lovely sister J, however, that was soon sorted. She asked me - nay, insisted - I come to their Christmas (as in Christmas Eve, they celebrate it a day earlier in Europe) dinner the next day. What a sweetheart. So I was enveloped in their cocoon of love and it was really a beautiful feeling. I wasn't going to be alone in a hostel on Christmas after all.

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