Friday 6 January 2012

Worst. Day. Ever.

Today was the worst day at work so far, hands down. Not only did I not get a single dollar in tips, I had to endure the most hideous of French women on a private ride that thankfully was so unbearable (for her, apparently, for me, definitely) that she cut it short.

This woman and her daughter, well for starters were French and that never lends to favourably to politeness or generosity in tips. She was complaining - in French and English - before we even got her on a horse... eww, everything is muddy, the saddle is dirty, I want an English, no I want a Western, my back hurts so we can only walk and canter not trot, I want to gallop on the beach, is this ALL the beach you have, where is the sand, there are too many rocks, my saddle is hurting me... SHUTUP!!!!!!!

The daughter was quite a good rider, much better than the mum, and seemed to enjoy herself although neither wanted to do much cantering after the first time. And when they realised our beach was not a 50 mile stretch, she made some remark about being able to have the same ride in Europe, and that she wanted it to be cut short. FINE WITH ME. I tried my hardest to make it a pleasant experience but she just tried even harder to be difficult.

We came back under an hour after leaving, although the ride was meant to be 1.5 hours. The office manager asked what happened and when I told her, she understood. Ahh, the French, she said... and she's from the French side!! Needless to say I didn't get a dime at the end of it all, even though I still gave them a new, fun experience in the water at the end, in fact she didn't even say goodbye. We called ahead to her hotel to warn that she would complain and the concierge politely said, don't worry she is a bitch that has complained about everything here so far. Good riddance.

I had another ride, two cute little girls from Caracao I could practise my Spanish with, and 2 French/Canadians who could speak a bit of English. So it was a bilingual affair! Yay. They didn't tip me either. And that was a bitch of a ride, trying to keep them all in order. None could ride and the girls really both should have been on a lead but I could only put the older one, on the horse that kept eating. Glad to see the end of that one too.

I was SO thankful when the day was over. Couldn't get out of there quick enuf. I knew I had 6 days off ahead of me, and I was eternally grateful that included New Years Day. Party ahead!! So I was ready to get a pedicure and have nice nails for 6 days of the day.

Stopped at the supermarket for some food stuffs - needed to save money before the big party for Old Years - and quickly whipped up some spag bowl before heading to the beauty salon. Turned out to be too tight with time so shoved the food into one of my empty yoghurt containers and shovelled it down as we walked up the road. Everyone must have thought we LOVED our yoghurt. And with a Corona in the other hand, what a treat we must have seemed.

After all that rushing, turned out the salon was out of power and our "white skin" would be too difficult to work on in the dark. Forgive me for thinking black skin would be somewhat harder to see in the dark, but apparently that's the truth! So we were relegated to the following morning, which really pissed me off since I knew how hectic it was going to be anyway.

So we went for some drinks to Buccaneers and La Bamba, as per usual, ensuring that any activity we had planned for the next morning was going to be that much more difficult to carry out. But then again, that's what we do best!

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