Thursday 26 January 2012

Just don't vomit in the water

My hangover day began at first light, when I woke to a full bladder and dry mouth. What a day this is going to be. Too much sun yesterday from not wearing my hat (I look better on camera without it) and too much alcohol after work (that early finish got me so excited!) was not a combination.

I got to work, but just wanted to crawl back into bed. Or nestle myself between some saddle blankets, hiding out the back. But alas, twas not to be. Instead, I was fighting to put drops into stubborn horses' eyes, traipsing around with a muddy hose, trying to dodge the dust from the horses I brushed and sneezing from the hay flying about when I raked and swept in the rising wind. Fun times.

The pounding in my head did not go away, in fact it got worse as the day wore on no matter how much water I drank. On one of my rides, I was going through the water and actually wanted to throw up from the nausea. Would NOT have been a good look (and no one would have bought the DVD of photos then!).

My first ride didn't tip me much, but my second made it for me. Funnily enuf, it was the woman who fell off at the start from a spook at the stable and her sister that tipped me the most. $40! And the other lady tipped me $10. That at least made my headache more bearable. Also the painkiller I took, which eventually dissipated the throbbing.

The bastard taxi driver no longer comes into the nature park, instead has started telling his guests that they won't have time to have a drink or buy the photo DVD because they were running late. I just couldn't believe it. My boss was again on the phone to his boss, telling him that this was not on. The office manager went out to give him a piece of her mind... I stayed out of it. I'd be surprised if the driver kept his job after all this, as the taxi company could well lose the contract with the cruise ship (since people complained after yesterday). I know my boss would have thrown me on his ass already if it was us getting complained about. The cruise ships are big business.

Pimienta is running around now all crazy like, she is so adorable and seems fighting fit. The guests all love her too. There is also a bunch of baby rabbits (batch? gaggle? what do you call them?), so small they're just little hairless moles at the moment. Gross but kinda cute.

Had one ride which didn't tip, but that was to be expected - they were from the activity desk we do the most business with. The two girls were young and nice, one Dutch and one from the island. The islander was a first-time rider, but they both did well and seemed to enjoy themselves. Also told me I'd no doubt be able to do the Rhino (or their version of it, Rock n Roll) for free because I work here. Woot woot! I'm calling up tomorrow.

Was meant to have Thursday (tomorrow) off, but D has hurt his hand and the rasta guide is busy so I have to work AGAIN. Friday will be my day off, a week since my last day off. I know it doesn't sound that hard, but at this time of year I like my days off. Not that I do much resting on them, but at least I don't have to wake up to an alarm. This time, though, the change in plans meant I had to cancel on E, who I've been trying to catch up with for a week now since she landed back in SXM. Oh well, fingers crossed something can happen on Friday!.

Spoke with my boy today as he's back in the land of mobile reception, and he's still waiting on confirmation of his second-year Australian visa. It's scary times. I'm crossing everything still and it's getting sore. But I'll be sore if it means I have him for another year at home.

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