Thursday 19 January 2012

1 month more on the homophobic island

And so it is. One month from now I will be flying out of this island. Kinda sad but I am so excited to see my boy again, it's boiling up inside of me. I am gonna make this a killer last month, do everything I have wanted to, have some fun, but also save money. Go out with a bang. As is my speciality.

The day began rainy, and but for a period of sunshine in the middle, ended much the same way. I found myself wet for the majority of my day, fun times especially for my wrinkled prunes of feet and my damp shirt reminding my stomach that I had not yet worked out my dietary indiscretions in St Thomas. I hate that they have a photographer snapping these situations!

I had 3 rides, although that tied me up for my entire day. My first ride was a 2-hour, and my tips were sparse although included a whole bowl's worth of fruit from the cruise ship much nicer than the fruit I have to choose from in the supermarket. Well, get what I can, I guess!

The second ride was a private 1.5 hour, although given the mud and the nervousness of the wife in the couple, we kept it walking - fine with me! They were nice, American again, and tipped me somewhat more generously in comparison. Even went in the water, which was much calmer than I'd expected. We thought there'd be an undercurrent as the wind was picking up, but it was all good. Even Chico behaved himself (although I still got wet up to my boobs).

I sat eating lunch and talked with a couple of funny American drunks who'd barely slept from the night before (always entertaining), R luckily had them and they tipped him handsomely but at least they were enjoying their time no matter the weather. Because by this time, the rain had started up again and I sat chewing, watching the other guides riding through the showers, getting soaked to the bone.

It was about this time my boss came over and grandly announced there was a bus of Germans coming... and I was taking the ride. Are you serious? Why do I always get stuck with ze Germans?? They never tip, can hardly speak English, need everything translated and have a tendency to fuss over things. Yes, he said, you're the best at speaking German. He must have been joking. My German extends to basic greetings and random sentences I spent hours perfecting while in Germany and Austria last year, like "Can you please help me" and "I am a world wanderer" (much harder than it sounds, can't even write it cos I can't spell it!).

So there it was. I was stuck with 9 Germans, en route in the pouring rain (half of me firmly believing they would never show up, all of me hoping). They finally arrived and we told them, relax, wait for the rain to subside if you wish... and they did. The rain persisted. I stood nearby in the beach hut, trying to conceal my discomfort under a towel wrapped around my head and body. But I was aching to go home. Cold and annoyed I was about to put my neck out in the rain for people who I knew would more likely grumble than tip... yep, wasn't much motivation.

They ummed an ahhed, mainly because they'd prepaid the ride so didn't want to waste the money - if they'd paid on arrival, they, well, never would have arrived. But the cruise ship had their money firmly tucked into their jacket pockets, so it was ride or lose out. So they rode.

Finally content with just a faint smattering of rain, one eye on their watches for the ship leaving time, all 9 of them marched up behind me to get their horses. Of course, halfway through mounting everyone it came down like no one's business. We lost one rider to the "too-hard" basket, and the rest just battened down their rain jackets, helmets or disposable ponchos. Man against nature. Round 1.

It turned out not to be so bad, the weather clearing up and showing at least some of the islands nearby, the riders actually smiling and laughing, and the translator translating what most of them could actually understand from me. I had just 1 of the 8 wanting to go in the water, then when we got there it rose to 4. So half the ride. Why you'd want to do the whole friggin ride without the special water bit at the end is bizarre, but I took the more adventurous in. While the others, more than likely, kicked themselves that they hadn't grown a pair while they had the chance.

It was really a miserable afternoon. Thankfully, by the time I returned from my ride and bid my guests goodbye - to a unanimous thank you but as expected, no tips - most of the work was underway and I had but menial tasks to do to sign the day off. The boss bought us all a drink at the bar afterwards, knowing what a shit it had been to work. The bar girl had a Presidente beer already waiting for me. One look at my face...

So with my tip and overtime earnings topping a measly $30 (at least better than nothing), I sat by the beer, talking with the Dutch intern that had just 2 days to go before leaving island. And we walked home, me in my wet clothes and minus even the enjoyment of having Polly bounding ahead of me, looking back every few metres for my companionship. Nope. Nothing like that. Just wetness. All around me.

Oh, and homophobism (is that even a word??). This bloody island, I tell ya! So homophobic!! "Faggots" this, "homos" that... I had a good ol' vent at them all, the close-minded fucks. Can't believe people are still so non-understanding in this day n age. It's guys like this that breed kids that beat gay people. And that sickens me.

Gladly I confined myself to home quarters for the evening, nothing much planned until tomorrow, when I meet up with my Canadian friend E back in town for some drinks. I'm off the following day, so I'm allowed to treat myself. Although I planned to go to Anguilla the following day, so I guess I still have to be up for something. But time is a-tickin'! Now just to down out the sound of Polly wailing outside my bedroom window... I am NOT letting her in. Gods knows what kind of person will inhabit it after I leave. But I wish I could...

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