Saturday 21 January 2012

Muddy but beautiful

I absolutely cannot complain about today's weather. In sharp contrast to yesterday, it was crystal clear blue skies, a hot sun and the most fitting of breezes up on the headland. The mud still hung around, of course, and that made it a shitter to begin the day but it was certainly not the burden it was with the day before's heavy rain.

I actually almost cried when I got in early today, when I couldn't find any shoes that didn't leak, looking out to the ankle-deep bog that was the horse paddock. I had to go and catch them, but I didn't want my feet shrivelling up all wrinkly and damp the whole day, let alone the fact I could get some gross foot condition from that.

Thankfully, I found a pair of wellies/gum boots/water shoes/whatever your country calls them, and set off to catch the horses for the day. Well, I caught a few then left J to finish off, giving myself instead the task of brushing them all down - still in mud, but not as thick. After almost 20 dirty, muddy horses, I was over the brushing too.

My first ride, as it often is, was a 2-hour walking ride. Now if you get good people on these rides that don't mind a chat and amble along, it's OK. But if you get stuck with people who can't speak good English or who just don't talk much, well, that can be a challenge to fill the time. The American couple I got were lovely, from NY and staying in the rich part of the island. Needless to say, they tipped me well. Especially since the wife ended up "actually enjoying the ride" when she thought she'd hate it.

On the flip side, my other 2 rides - a woman on horseback with unfit partner trailing behind on foot taking photos and sweating balls in the heat, and an older French man on a private ride who stripped down to budgie-smugglers for the water part (gotta love the French) - both congratulated me on a great ride and were wholly complimentary on everything about the stables, yet gave me no tip. I have to learn to just accept the compliments, really.

It wasn't a hard day but any strength, the only annoying thing being the mud at the beginning. Because I started early, I was given a 2-hour lunch break (and actually got it this time as we weren't so busy) so used the time to walk over to a nearby food place to avoid choosing from the same 8 options my workplace bar affords us. I stupidly did the distance in my shorts, rubbing salt into my thighs and stinging by the time I returned. Also stupidly chose kinda unhealthy food... then again, I always do when I go there. Maybe I should just stop going there.

Given I did basically just ride today, I can't say I didn't enjoy it. The rides were all different, and the lady (a horse instructor/trainer herself) with her partner were quite entertaining, especially in the water where she got the Haflinger Bob that she wanted to ride to go in deeper, and we had a good splash-around. Chico is still umming and ahhing about the water, but he made a good effort.

There was no lesson tonight as the arena was a sloppy mess from the recent rain. I also was told only one lady will be riding Seductor from now on, as she seems to be doing the best on him. Fair enuf, but it makes me feel I failed a little. On the other hand, I think this woman has a fair few years of dressage and competition training up her sleeve in comparison to teach-yourself-me. I wonder who I'll ride now...

The internet was being a bit selective today so I wasn't allowed on gmail or Facebook, and had to pop to Pineapple Pete's to see if it worked there. Again, no luck but I had to order a beer so I sipped on that. But halfway through I started feeling a little woozy, tried to make it better by finishing the beer (ha!) and then started to think I had a little too much sun today. I did forget to wear my hat on that 2-hour ride...

I had possibly things to do for the evening, it being the Dutch intern's last night and also the arrival of my new friend from Canada, as well as my friend from NYE up for having a drink. But I couldn't connect online to them and also actually didn't feel up for it. I have a big day planned for tomorrow. Anguilla - finally - as well as a sleep-in (as in waking up after the sun rises) and a horseride with T at her stables over there. Must keep up my fluids!

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