Sunday 1 January 2012

Pay now or pay later

I was unsurprisingly tired when I woke up on December 28, one day after Hurricane Erm arrived... I was tired anyway and then everything we packed into her first day, well, it was taking its toll. Polly didn't come along to work as she was locked up with the other dogs, but when I got to Seaside she suddenly materialised, bounding in all smiles n barks... must've run the whole way when they finally opened the gate for her, bless her.

Had a couple of rides, again can't talk too much about them because two days late writing this blog has made me forget most of what happened. That is how much I'm packing into my days lately, the other days just shuuuush - out of there. Not much space in my brain, you see...

E had a "date" with L as he'd said the night before he'd take her to a beach, so I left them to do their thing while I was at work. At least she had someone who knew their way around the island to be her tour guide. I knew he'd try it on her, so I couldn't wait to hear what happened... was doubtful she was going to respond the way he wanted so it would have been funny to be a fly on the wall. Or the sand, so to speak.

I had told her to come by my work after the beach but by the end of the day - and I worked til 6:30 - she still hadn't materialised. I thought one of two things could have happened - either she had a ball with L and was getting boozed in a bar somewhere or she was back at mine asleep. I was hoping she was at home because I was dirty and smelly, and needed to shower. Was also annoyed I'd managed to lose $10 of my tips somehow (at least it wasn't the $20) but I suppose someone else found it and gained, so c'est la vie.

Got home and she was curled up in bed... I thought at first she had slept all day, because I had left my phone with her and hadn't heard from her all day, but she told me she had come back and crashed. 38 hours in transit had really hit her hard. But she got up and we got ready to have a bite to eat. She said she wasn't in the mood to go clubbing, even though it was Ladies Night and I thought she'd want to experience what it's like to be treated everything for free at a club, but that was fine with me. I was still tired after the day at work.

We walked along Simpson Bay to see our restaurant options, at least wanting a nice meal for the evening, and after Pineapple Pete's was full we went nearby to 3 Palms to treat ourselves to a classier experience, sitting by the water with a saxophonist playing cool jazz tunes... I had to have a Pinot Grigio!

E at first wasn't drinking, then saw my wine and it was a glass for her, then a bottle for us... the meal was great, me the gluttony had chicken STUFFED with lobster and salmon sauce. Stuffed with lobster! How many meats you wanna have in one meal?? Was an interesting taste, but I liked experiencing it. The service was good also, and I just loved having someone to talk to who knew me so well. An old friend. I have missed that.

Afterwards, we went to the Sports Bar attached to Pineapple Pete's and had a few cocktails. Erm had "A Piece of Ass" which was jovial, I had some hideous bright blue thing which I promptly swapped with E once she said she liked it. As we walked out, I got a call from A in Oz and started chattering away, while also being invited to some Jamaican party the next night by Le... anyway, I was very distracted and so it was that we walked out without paying.

By the time we realised we'd walked halfway home but also realised we didn't have enuf cash anyway, so I just texted Le and told him we'd drop by tomorrow. So then he passed my number onto the bar girl that had to fork out the missing cash, and I get a harrassing phonecall when I'm in bed, saying I have to come back n pay. I told her it was not possible and I'd pay tomorrow. I know she was out of pocket and doesn't know me to trust me, but I'm a good person, it'll be done. Then I fell asleep. Boom.

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