Friday 13 January 2012

Random day off drunkenness

I didn't plan to get so drunk on my day off. I swear. It just happened.

First, I woke without alarm early enuf to wash my clothes before meeting A online at Seaside. I'm slowly but surely working through the stack of clothes in my hamper untouched during Hurricane Erm. Was going to clean my room, too, but appointments must be kept.

At Seaside, it was go go go as the cruise ships were in force. J had been asked to swap his day off, so there were plenty of guides about, taking rides and talking with guests. It was past 11am, I thought I deserved a day off beer. And another. And another.

Before I knew it, I was on my fourth and I really had to slow down. The painstaking process of booking a flight was frustrating not just me, but A who I was now on Skype chat with as the phone conversation was too distracting to figure out which flight to book. They were all so confusing, some cheaper but then charging more for baggage, others more overall... But finally I just made the call and pressed "confirm".

N was there taking photos of the cruise ship rides - of which there were plenty - but had to be called away when her daughter's school rang to say she'd fallen off the monkey bars and an ambulance was on its way. What a horrible feeling as a mother. So she shot off, mid plans with me as to which island we should hop to first.

Concurrently online, I was organising with the Dutch intern to meet him and his friends at Karakter beach, a popular hangout for Dutch people as it was a bar with Dutch owners. It was much more chilled-out than New Years Day, the last time I was there, and after not finding T anywhere, I took a dip.

It not being a huge beach, he spotted me and I moved my things - including my guavaberry on ice - to his group. They were sprawled out on the big bean bags the bar has, and I happily joined them, drifting in and out of sleep and sipping on my slowly melting drink. They were mostly talking Dutch so I could easily zone out.

The others left and it was just T and his cute friend M. They canoodled in the water while I chilled a little longer, we were given free glasses of Prosecco (not that I needed that!) and I continued with my guavaberries. They are so lethal, I always forget that... and so it was that I made friends with a Columbian/St Maarten couple and got a lift home in their car. I let T and M go to La Bamba together - I didn't need any more excuse to drink.

I must've hit home shortly after the sun went down, so well before 6pm. Can't remember anything but S from work says I saw her walking home on the street and made some lewd comment and/or gesture. Can't have been me.

At midnight, I woke to myself spread-eagled on the bed, light on, clothes sprawled across the room, throat burning, lips dry, stomach growling... I needed to be tended to. Grabbed a tuna sandwich I'd prepared earlier from the fridge and watered myself, sorted my room out quickly and fell back asleep. Or tried to. It was a restful night.

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