Sunday 15 January 2012

Back to Seductor

Today was not all that busy, I had just two rides to do, which was good since I still hadn't had time to nip out to the shops to buy a new hat. The sun, how it burns my poor little face!! Actually, I came in early today but the boss forgot to tell J to sleep in so there were 3 of us in early and everything was done nice n quick.

That meant I got a 2-hour break, during which I COULD have gone to the shops had I planned it well, but to be honest I was kinda hoping I'd see A pop up online and have a chat... alas, no, he's now without internet so a little harder to catch.

Before my first ride I had a call from L, who I'd not seen since the beginning of the year. He was wondering what I'd been up to, and when he found out I'd been back from St Thomas for almost a week, he asked if I was avoiding him. Not exactly... but I certainly have less of an inclination to hang out with him since E left. I dunno, there was just something about him when she was here that erked me. Maybe I'll grab a drink with him sometime soon... no hurry.

I was a bit bored by this day, with the American couple on my first ride proving to be somewhat uninspiring. The second ride, a last-minute walk-in I was switched to, was an 18-year-old Romanian girl who worked as a guide in her country. So clearly she could ride, so it was an enjoyable ride for me, who since these new policies came into play, thought I'd be destined to be walking the same trails forever more.

I impressed her with the fact I'd lived in Romania for 2 months working with horses, and knew a few Romanian words. Nothing like I used to know, as most of it had converted into Spanish, but still - what are the chances when you're from somewhere like Romania?! She made me laugh when I asked her how she was doing, and she said she didn't had a bra on. Oh yes, but a bikini top? No, nothing. Ha! Ouch.

And so it was Thursday. Lesson night. Except since early December, when the boss went away with his family, we hadn't had any lessons. I kinda forgot it was Thursday (most of the time I forget the day here) so I was surprised when someone asked which horse I was riding tonight. Uhh, yeah, OK, Seductor I guess. He'd apparently been behaving well for J in lessons and the instructor I when she had ridden him. Thankfully, there was enuf time beforehand to run to the shops and grab a new hat and Crocs - finally!

They were using all sorts of new apparatus on him these days, some kind of martingale which didn't seem to make much difference to my experience on board the 3-year-old... maybe I'm just not riding him right. But with the new bridle, bit, etc etc, he was just as nervous and impatient as normal. What happened to the first night when he was an angel?? Didn't help that I wore my stirrups like I was trail riding, really should have shortened those puppies... speaking of puppies, Polly the sweetie kept trying to go inside the arena because she didn't want to part with me. Cute! I wish I could fly her home with me.

Came home to eat dinner surrounded now not only by Polly's doe-eyed face, but the cat (I still don't know who exactly feeds that one) and Rocco, the dog that is infested with tick fever and worms and god knows what else, that they've finally taken from the farm to try and give a second chance. I was so upset he'd have to get put down, as he's a really sweet dog, but now they're pulling out the stops to get him better. Hopefully I see him pack on the pounds before I go.

And another segway... told the boss the exact date of me leaving, he just nodded and said thanks. I wonder if I've pissed him off by leaving so soon... but I did explain why and I guess all I have is to hope I've done right by him by being honest. All I know is that I'm super excited to see my baby again. And I know he feels the same. Bring on the next chapter. Together.

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