Sunday 1 January 2012

The bag.

Rides were not plentiful today, and as a result neither were the tips. We were all but done with them by 2pm (my private ride was a no-show, so I just did one ride in the end) so it turned out to be the perfect day to take E out for a horseride (on the house, of course). Had planned it to be a picture perfect sunset adventure, but of course things never turn out the way you want, right?

I kept getting called about paying the bill at the Sports Bar - I'm coming, alright?! Some of us have to work to make a living. Speaking of, work was not too bad as my body had recuperated a little. Maybe it was getting used to drinking and going to bed later again. I had become quite the nana, it's true.

During lunch, I called A but had to cut it short as I realised it would be a good time to check on E. She hadn't come down as promised and I wanted to see she was OK and not sleeping through the day. I knew she had to get a new camera (hers broke so we were totally without photo-making apparatus!) and do a couple of things, and the hours were ticking away. I also knew she was still jetlagged so it's understandable she would be kipping a bit more. A wasn't happy I had to go pretty much when I called but I suppose I didn't think before I dialled.

We organised to meet at my work by 5pm to go for the ride, so I was all done n dusted then and ready to show E my office! I chose a horse called Tia Maria as she liked the name, warning her that she liked to go go go, but she seemed fine with that. Didn't plan on racing around anyway, maybe just a trot or two. I was wearing my shorts too, so it wasn't that comfortable to go fast.

The rain at the beginning should have been the first omen. We had to mount under the stable so it was dry, and Tia was already on the go as she was keen to get back before we started to munch on her waiting dinner. I bought a few beers from the bar and put them in a bag.

The bag.

Sometimes I forget my horse is still so young. I had to do training with the sunset ride bag (a fluro green thing that must look like a monster to her) and now she's fine with it, but this NEW bag. Not so fine. I was cradling it so she couldn't see, but the beers were jingling about against the ice, and as we went for a little run he started FREAKING OUT. The more he bounced around, the more the bag clanged, and before I knew it he was in the air. I would have stayed on, had he landed properly, but he didn't and as he came down so did I. Luckily I have experience with falling (just a little!) so I rolled to the side, clipped my foot on the stirrup and didn't break one beer. Success.

E, meanwhile, had raced ahead on Tia, who also freaked out when my horse did. She yelled out for me, not realising I was on the ground at that point (well, standing up already!) and I told her to pull back. She did and Tia stopped, no dramas, and E jumped off to hold Tia so I could put the bag down and catch Chico again. Sigh.

We were right by the sunset point so we tied them up and cracked the beer. E pulled out her brand spanker of a camera, and we started snapping. Then we saw the photos weren't coming up, and tried to figure out the problem. Frustrated and worried we'd missed the beautiful sunset for this stupid camera, we put took a couple of pics on the internal memory and set about enjoying the view.

It was a nice sunset, with some boats passing by and of course the floating suburbs (cruise ships) rolling by in all different directions, lighting up spectacularly as the sun faded. We had our beers, some nice conversation, Tia got tangled in her bridle and broke it (typical) and then we set off again in the dark, guided by the stars and the buzzing fireflies.

Tia was a little funny about riding at night, so I got in front and we took a nice stroll down the garden path (so easy to do with ERM), but then saw a flash and heard a bang. The horses' ears pricked forward and I thought, oh shit, someone's shooting out there. Then I realised it was fireworks (worst display ever, though, probably just some kid letting them off) and we turned back. No way we were getting freaked out again!

We made it back safe n sound, although I was pretty pissed off with myself for letting the ride go so badly. I know better than to give Tia to a less experienced person, didn't really think about how she reacts to things especially at night, and to carry an unknown "bag" on Chico... well, it was just irresponsible for me. I know I'm the one who came off, not E, but I still wanted it to be perfect and it wasn't. And I blame myself. But I will get over it.

We got home and freshened up, then went to the Sports Bar to pay last night's bill and eat some dinner. I got the salmon lasagna, something A told me not to get previously because it would be dry - and what do you know, it was dry! Had to try it though. When we left, we made sure to PAY, and then headed back.

On the way home, I got extremely lethargic and could hardly keep my eyes open or think straight. I just wanted to get to bed, but things kept preventing it... and so eventually I just collapsed and was about to nod off when the phone rang. It was A again, but I was too tired to talk and had to make it brief. Then Le rang about the Jamaican party - not a chance! I was out.

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