Sunday 22 January 2012

Pineapple Pete's is my saviour

Another beautifully sunny day greeted my 6am wake-up. I knew it was gonna be a good'un when I ate my breakfast, looking at the growing light and near-cloudless sky. Mozzies still about, though. Speaking of, have been sleeping without the net lately, just spray myself before bed and that seems to work. I remember when I used to wake up with a million bites and incessant scratching. Maybe my "new blood" has become old.

Another segway actually... I finally found the formula to not getting any attention on the roads. Go on your lunch break, in your oversized work shirt, dirty jodhpurs and fashion contraceptive Crocs, sweating slightly and stressed, hair flying in all directions... yep, that does it. No "hey rasta" calls there!!

Because of my 7am start, I had a 2-hour break, but this time I'd had enuf of the temperamental internet and I was about to walk to Pineapple Pete's when H told me she was also leaving so took me almost all the way there. Phew! I was stressed about my boy and his visa, which must be processing as we speak, and I knew he'd wonder why I wasn't online for a few days. Thinking I was off galavanting with newfound friends that buy me dinner for a wink or something. Bah!

I managed to get online at PP's, thankfully, though had hardly any activity on my Facebook there was a few messages from A, the last saying ever so eloquently, "Where the fuck are you?" Sorry sweetie, had some internet issues... I knew he'd been stressing. But it's kinda sweet. Not to worry, soon we'll live together and he won't have to worry one bit about my whereabouts!

Got back in time for the end of my break, not that there was much happening. We had hardly any rides, in fact nothing after the only cruise ride that came late morning. So I kinda wafted around feeling useless for most of the afternoon, helping here n there until some pony rides for a kid's birthday party.

Urgh, the pony rides. Some of these kids were plain brats. I certainly hope that when I have kids, they don't turn out like this. Where do these creatures even come from? And how do their parents not realise? This group of people seemed of Indian-esque origin, although clearly have lived here a while... and I must say, these children were NOT cute. In fact, ugly, already, at this age. Monobrows. Guts. Crooked teeth. Poor things. What a life they have ahead of them.

So two other horses have developed some eye conditions, great since the horse that actually needs drops is not cool with someone shoving a bottle of medicine in its eye several times a day. This is how Bonita started. Rearing, kicking, stepping on my toes, trying to bite me... Sigh. So for now, it's a group effort. Hopefully in time, Paco will give in to the fact it's going to happen and just let it happen. And Fuerte, will we assume it's just an irritation. For now, I have a sore hand surely about to bruise from my efforts today.

We noticed Black Beauty was actually dripping milk today... she is heavily pregnant and we actually thought she was going to drop before the boss went away early December but it's dragged on. Now she is so full of milk it's incredible, I've never felt an animal with such a hard udder. Maybe she's overdue. But all signs are pointing to a foal coming in the next 48 hours... hope so!! Exciting!

All in all, it was a boring day. Not many rides and barely any tips. This is meant to be high season, what's the dealio?? I was itching for it to be over. At least I got a slice of birthday cake... I am a sucker for cake!!

It was a beautiful sunset, a clear night and with a teensy chill in the air, I was happy - the only sounds that reminded me it was Saturday, an occasional yell from the street or car pumping loud, offensive R&B on bad stereo systems. Maybe I'll get a good sleep this time. This morning I woke from my alarm, I certainly was not awake when it rang as so often I am. And no one told me to come in early tomorrow so I'm coming in at 8 - I want a sleep in!

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