Sunday 15 January 2012

Unknown pains

Not sure what I ate but something caused me to wake up with searing pains sometime in the early morning... like period pain x50. I almost couldn't tear myself from the bed but I knew I had to, I had to try and get whatever was hurting me out of my body. I sat in the bathroom with my head in my hands, dazed n confused about what was going on.

Eventually, I stumbled back to bed and just concentrated on breathing until the pain subsided, too uncomfortable even to get a drink of water. Hell no was I getting up again to go to the toilet!

The morning started with rain, so very fun when you work with horses. The mud persisted, although the water tanks got a top-up, and I was sent out on the first ride of the day. Two American girls on holidays with one of their families, nothing too interesting. Weather was a bit shitty so I felt bad that they probably didn't enjoy it the best they could have.

More Canadians for my second ride, and they were lucky as they had the only 2 hours straight that didn't rain. Gave me a tip, too, which is good. Canadians don't always tip. But I seem to have had a run of them that do, which I certainly won't complain about! Were my only two rides for the day, given it was a rare day off for cruise ships on the island.

Got a little speech about the damage done by off-the-cuff Facebook statuses, prompted obviously by someone talking to my boss about something I said of a bad day at work. Shame, really, since the people I was friends with I thought were well versed with my work and the horse business in general, but it seems some people just can't help taking things the wrong way. Lucky he doesn't know about my blog (thought at least that's written in full and better explained!).

The driver is still not looking at me in the eye or taking to me at all. Works for me. At least I don't have to make general chit-chat, and at least he isn't trying to make friends with me now like he is to J, the original person he was fighting with. I've put him down to a face I will easily forget.

My left calf is getting sore from the unevenness of my cowboy boots. A short while ago the heel wore down on the left one, now it's like a have a pimp limp. Feel like I should have a cane with a dead spider in the top of it or something. It wasn't really noticeable before but now I have to deal with left-hand-body injury. Dag namit! But I'm stubborn. I'm not getting them fixed. These damn boots have had a good life, they're staying on St Maarten when I leave.

A is still offline, so unless I call him from Skype we're not in contact. A bummer since my lunch breaks aren't always in unison with his hours awake, and also it is very expensive to call to Australian mobiles from Skype here, but I guess he's worth it. He'll read that and say, "I guess?? I guess he's worth it?" Yes baby, of course you're worth it. Now stop fretting your pretty little head.

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