Saturday 28 January 2012

Sensitive little me

Another day of work, almost a week since I had my last day off. I wasn't really tired when I got up, I was actually already awake waiting for my alarm as the night was quite peaceful and comfortable. Still can't wait til I wake up next to a certain someone though...

I knew the day wouldn't be too busy, so I was happy when there were a couple of rides already booked and we ended up having a few more walk-ins. My first ride was late not because of the morning showers but because they came from the cruise ship and were on cruise ship time, or something. Anyway, they'd booked the ride last May so they weren't going to let a slight tropical shower stop them.

They were a nice, easygoing couple from New Jersey, as most of my rides seem to have been this week. Last week it was Canada, this week it's NY/New Jersey! Good for me, though, as they pretty much always give me something at the end. This ride enjoyed themselves, the wife said it was the best they'd been on ever and she was so relaxed, and they gave me $8. OK. Better than nothing, as they say. I just hope they do actually write us up on TripAdvisor like they promised (maybe mention my name...??).

My second ride was just one hour, what I can assume was a grandma and granddaughter or maybe just an older mum?? But they were NYers, also nice, bit more effort to get warmed up but they ended up giving me a decent tip so not complaints here. It's nice that we've got the foal and the baby rabbits (although one of them fell out of its box and was half eaten in the night by a mongoose or something through the mesh flooring in the cage - grooooooooooss) to show them too.

J and i had a bit of a "Day" today, him pointing out a couple of things I did wrong in my work. Now I am the first to admit I am not perfect at my job, but for some reason the way J explains my errors makes me feel like I am 2 ft tall. I got angry at him and stormed off the second time it happened, and almost exploded in front of the rest of the staff before I realised there was a guest waiting for a ride nearby, Probably a good thing, as it allowed me to take lunch and calm down, managing to talk myself into explaining my point of view to him.

That I did, later in the afternoon, and for some reason almost cried during the process. The girls at work tell me I need cock - hell knows what caused my behaviour. Maybe I do just need to get laid.

Didn't make a helluva lot of tips today, in fact more than double on my 1-hour ride than my first 2-hour. But it all adds up. It wasn't the greatest week of tips in my history here, to be honest, I wonder if the new year has left people skint but at the same time every time I ask my co-workers if they made tips, they seem to make more than me. I wonder, also, if my white skin works against me sometimes... like I'm not the "real" Caribbean experience. Hmmm...

There were no rides much after lunchtime so we got to finish right on time, me taking a couple of beers and watching the sun set behind a masquerade of clouds, streaking above and below its mystery... what a beautiful scene to capture with my eyes. My camera didn't do it justice.

Back at home, I had a few beers in celebration of the fact I'd finally get a day off - a week since my last one - and catch up with E to explore the French side. Got in the mood to talk to my boy and ended up using all my credit doing so... as did he, stressing about his visa, calling me back and talking about it til the phone cut off. I hope he managed to find some more credit and get through to the bastards at the visa bureau. I already told him I'd travel to whatever outside country he chooses if he doesn't get his visa, so that's all good. I just hope he gets it for ease sake.

I reminded him it was 3 weeks til my return. His response: "Yes, 3 weeks til your surprise... I mean your return." Don't think I didn't hear that....................

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