Wednesday 14 December 2011

Strike a pose!

Like most other Sundays, it was pretty quiet on the ranch. Only one ride was booked, and I was to take it. So at least I had the chance of making SOME tip!! The ride was a mother and her son on a private ride, so we could go as slow or as fast they wanted. I opted to take a more reliable mount than Chico, Max, as the little boy had never been on a trail before. He was only 7.

Out on the trail, he was game enuf to try riding without a lead rope but then when I asked about trotting, the mum was dead keen but he wasn't so much. So, for the extra they paid for a full private ride to do whatever, we just ended up walking! Which is fine by me, it's their choice. Still went in the water at the end - in their classic young person manner, he was all about the water, interrupting me talking about nearby islands to ask, "When are we going in the water? Can we go to the water now?" About half an hour into the 1.5 hour ride he was asking this. I knew the mum wanted to keep riding, so I managed to stretch it out pretty much to time.

That was my only ride, but thankfully they tiipped me. A good tip. Amazing how all those rides I did the other day just amounted to $8, when some people don't hesitate to give $20 for two people on a ride. It helps when you look after their kids, though, that's always a winner. Not that I wouldn't anyway... but it helps.

Then I was given the job of rounding up the horses and cows. Those bloody cows. I tell you what, I have half a mind to bring a shotgun in on Christmas Day and have a nice big BBQ of beef. That big, black cow, she'd do nicely. The fucker, hides deep in the bushes and even when you DO find her, she runs away deeper, usually taking the calves with her. Oh help me, Lord, if I had a shotgun...

I had another "ride" I guess you would call it... a model and a photographer, wanting some photos of some clothes she was wearing on a pretty horse. I caught Paloma, our albino horse with blue eyes and white hair. She was filthy, given the recent weather, so I bathed her but she still looked a bit dirty. Anyway, it seemed good enuf for the guys so I led them out to the point for some photos before going in the water a bit. Was a pretty funny experience. The photographer didn't seem all that professional and thought he could do it all in 30 mins, so they must have been on a budget! Advertising St Maarten as a tourist destination... maybe it was government funded.

So the boss is back. All nice n relaxed after his holiday and actually finding it difficult to see faults in the way the farm is since his departure. This is a good thing. I'm just glad I kept his dogs alive for his return, or for sure there would be no job waiting for me the next morning. And hooray, no more feeding!! Bless those dogs, but responsibility, bah!

L rang me after I finished work, asking if I wanted to chill out. I had no plans so he came by to pick me up. We went to his place and just hung, didn't really do much at all... but I started to think this should not become a habit. Like I say, not that I would do anything, but I don't want him to get in the habit of asking me around. It would be SO good if there was no feelings on his side, or if he was a girl with no ill intent, or something else... he lives so close and I would love to have a good friend here that my boyfriend doesn't want to kill.

The ghetto he lives in was ON FIRE on that Sunday night! There was Spanish music, dancing, lively voices, kids play-fighting in the street... I felt like I was transported to another place. L said it was the only place like it on the island... All I could think of was, I wonder where A and I could go that we could live this life, with so much culture, life, love, breath... surely we could find an island somewhere. Oh, to soak all that up!! Made my skin tingle.

Borrowed a book about Bob Marley from L, to replace the somewhat inappropriate Great Sex Weekend I've been looking at but not really opening. Little does L know, he's now given me another reason to say no to hanging with him and staying in by myself.

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