Thursday 8 December 2011

Crappy weather, classic day off

Had quite a pleasant sleep in one of the coolest nights so far on the island, actually used my sheet and so wasn't so much bothered by the mosquitoes my net apparently keeps out.

I have this book called The Great Sex Weekend, a random leftover I procured from my sister moving house. Not sure why I brought it here. I'm also not sure I want to read it - I fear it'll make me scale the walls. I made a comment about the no-sex thing being hard for all these months to my workmate and he burst into laughter. Apparently girls don't say that kind of thing around here.

Went to Seaside for the internet in the morning, spent another bazillion dollars calling A in Australia - first farm he was on had internet but no phone signal, the one he's on now has no internet and phone signal, I much prefer internet!! - then speaking with T for a while on Skype. Was good to catch up. It reminded me that our mutual friend was coming to Oz for a short while and maybe if I got myself back soon enuf I could catch him.

Half arranged to do La Bamba tonight with E, having already half arranged it with L, so I waited for his call and when it came, organised for the same time with him. I have tomorrow off too so it's a good night to have a couple of drinks. Not that it will be much more than a couple, Sundays are usually pretty chilled.

Kept it low-key today, given the overcast and even a bit cold weather, and St Barts was certainly not on the cards. All I heard from the guy about last night was that he'd had connectivity problems and got back to me after I'd already logged off, so that was that. I wonder if they sailed in the shit weather.

Went along for the ride with J to get some feed before he dropped me home. Funny thing happened at the gas station. We gave the guy $10 for gas (they don't let you do it yourself here during the day, which makes no sense as surely the night is when people would try to pump n run) and then drove off, watching as the meter did not move. We got the feed and came back to talk to the guy, and at the very same time another woman was screaming from her car that he'd done the same to her and gipped her with her change. There was arguing, nothing came of it and everyone screeched away in their cars grumpily. Ahh, St Maarten.

Watched some comedy on my laptop and washed my clothes, which proved more of a drama than in previous times. There was water all over the floor for some reason and as a result, I kept getting shocked and had to get my flatmate to keep unplugging it so I could actually take my clothes out as they were shocking me too. I really don't like getting shocked. Reminded me of the Help X place I went to in Romania where the shower fixture electrocuted people. I used to get drunk and challenge it - that was the only way I could clean myself, really. That's Romanian plumbing for you.

Returned to Seaside in the afternoon with a couple of the boss' dogs so they could get air. No way I was taking all 3 of the boisterous ones, just the choc Lab/German Shepherd X Angel and the stumpy-legged adoptee from the boss' parents, Polly. Bless her and her inproportionate body. They caused minor trouble but no chickens killed so I guess that's a plus.

So L and I went out to La Bamba but no pretty Canadian showed up, although I did get a missed call a little later from her. The bar got actually quite full and so I found myself - once again - staring at tourists my parents' age (presumably American) awkwardly dancing but ultimately having an awesome time in their holiday outfits, going a little bit more crazy than they would at the local bar back home dancing to cheesy rock n' roll covers. Ahh, what a view.

Really. Could you tell I'm pessimistic?? This place sometimes makes me crazy with all the old, fat American tourists. I'm sorry I don't mean they're all bad people but imagine trying to live when you're 27 and surrounded by these people all the time. And when I'm on my days off I get bundled into their little tourist circle so I know how it feels to live like them. Well, minus the large pricetag and air con and taxis and.... and.... well.... it's not so bad for me. I'm just bitching.

Scored a tequila shot off a lady who I spotted carrying a whole tray of them and commented on the large night she looked like she was about to have. Her reply, in an English accent, got me all excited and she ended up including me in on the round haha! Have I ever said how much I love the English??

So we got talking to some of the guys at La Bamba... they were also manning a yacht. I'm beginning to see a trend. When you hang out at the bars close to the mariners, you get results. Haha!! Kidding... But I do need to figure out which place is the best for "Old Years" just to make sure me and the Erm get the best party on offer. Only the best for the Erm. And me of course. Bring that shizzle fo nizzle on.

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