Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas weariness

To be honest, I can't fully remember my Christmas Eve day because a lot has happened with Christmas recently and I haven't updated my blog. So I'll skim a little with the notes I made myself. Apologies.

Started my rides with a cruise ship hour, never that exciting or tip-worthy but I got a few dollars. Better than nothing. It's funny, when you expect to get something, you get nothing, and vice versa. Then a family came along, and I took them for another hour. They were American but at the end of the ride they gave me nothing. Said they really enjoyed themselves but didn't tip me, which was weird. Usually when there's kids involved you get something for looking after them.

At the bar, one of the office ladies, H, gave me another $1 which someone had left behind as a tip (wow!! haha) in front of the mum of my ride and we were laughing about the single dollar tip, when the woman got embarrassed and quickly pulled out a $20 note from her bag and said, "Here's something a bit more substantial." Ha! Thanks H, wouldn't have gotten anything without her!

It was pretty slow, so that was about all the rides I did. When N left, I ended up joining her for a shop at the gourmet supermarket then got invited to the drinks her friend was having for Christmas Eve. I accepted but said I needed to go online to speak with mum and dad for Christmas first.

Got online at N's place and got through to mum on Skype then when we were finished, dad called on my mobile and I had a nice chat with him too. Was good to hear their voices, no matter how Aussie they sounded. Ha!

The drinks were at E's place, the nicest house I've been in so far and the kind of place you'd want to live in if you lived in the Caribbean. Overlooking Kim Sha beach with La Bamba (you could certainly hear it!), the place had a nice, big balcony and open, airy windows. Good view of the planes taking off too.

At one point, N was so tired she had to lie down. Poor woman, she works herself so hard and has a 10-year-old bundle of energy (and a dog just the same) to deal with. She's had cancer before so she hasn't got the energy like she would have normally, and she just goes and goes and goes. I have another friend who pushes themselves like this - it's so hard to help them but you always want to. So she laid down and eventually I offered to drive her car home for her. E followed and then took me home, kindly.

I'd had a few drinks by this stage but was just mellow, so I thought I'd just drift into a peaceful sleep. Not so. I was awoken a couple of hours later because of all the parties in the neigbourhood... There was drinking, loud voices, music, laughing... I don't blame them, I would have been right in the thick of it had I not been working Christmas Day. So I just laid there, tossing n turning in the heat of the night (I swear my room traps it in), and by the morning I was like the walking dead. Merry Christmas to me.

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