Tuesday 20 December 2011

Danceoff dynamite

Still high off that generous $100 tip the night before, I hopped to work - no, wait, that was because I found several splinters in my foot from trampling around the thorns the night before - with Polly in tow. She is so cute, gets so excited to come along for the walk. I'll say it again - I can't wait to have my own dog again!

Felt a bit cold at the beginning of the day, the clouds came over and I really felt the change in the air. December is meant to be the coolest month (their "winter" I suppose), but that kinda means it's more bearable - well, except the emergence of bugs. I've bought room spray now so I am just gonna death blast them every night. The problem is, I think there's holes in my windows...

While I am settling in well here, I still feel disconnected from the island, like it isn't my home and won't ever be, well not without A anyway. As I said, I do enjoy my job - the views are incredible, the tourist for the most part enjoyable to take out, my staff are also nice and the bosses treat me well - but I can't see myself here for a long time.

I had one friend from work give some poignant advice to me today... saying that her partner of 6 years, who captains boats, has been away so long now that it's at the point they no longer connect and she doesn't see the point anymore. She sounded regretful and sad about it, like if she'd realised it sooner she could have either pulled the pin and saved the time, or tried harder to be together with him. Not that it seems she had much choice with his line of work. She stressed to me that finding someone you think is worth it, is something really important and shouldn't be taken lightly. It got me thinking.

Had 3 rides today... firstly a mother and daughter from Canada (again!), the daughter being a competitive rider and the mother a bit more tentative around horses. The daughter made some uppity comment about not needing a helmet because the horses would be "docile" so I made a point of giving her the 3-year-old. Yeah, try to find your comfort in THAT one, missy! Horse doesn't even know how to canter properly yet. We ran about a bit, leaving mum behind sometimes, and it turned out alright in the end. Got a nice tip at least.

Then I had an Asian/American couple, beginners, and a NZ couple, also beginners. The NZ couple were a 2-hour ride and - surprise, surprise - they didn't tip. They worked on the mega yachts and even told me they were paid well, surely they realise they are not in NZ anymore... I would have thought such well-traveled people would realise that. I hope I am more mindful of local custom when I travel elsewhere, now I've seen it from the other side.

OMG, I can't believe it - today I actually saw Apple Bottom Jeans! I almost asked her where her "boots with da furrr" where... But that is truly awesome. Never did I know that the clothes Flo Rida speaks of in his debut single, such a great track now let's be honest, was actually Nelly's brand. And they sell jeans with "Apple Bottom" printed across the ass pockets. And boots with fur. And even water boots (wellies, gum boots, take your pick) but apparently they come without the fur.

At the end of the day I felt kinda useless. J was walking around, feeding all the animals, after we'd gone up to do it together. I asked everyone where he went but they didn't know so I found myself sitting on the step waiting... which is super fun. I wish I could've made myself useful and maybe know what the hell order he was doing things, but when he feeds, he likes to just do it all so there seemed to be nothing for me. I tried to help out but got it wrong so almost fed the same horse twice (he would've eaten it though) so I just left.

Was annoyed and didn't see the point of me sticking around to do nothing. So whatever. Saw a beautiful sunset forming but I wanted to go home. No hanging around at the bar tonight. It was time for me to check out these danceoff finals... although the number I had for my friends doesn't seem to work so I just planned on going there solo and hoping to see them.

Heard what I thought was an Aussie accent in the supermarket today - it was Kiwi although VERY broad - and he was with a Canadian stocking up on beer. I told him what was happening at Sunset if they wanted something to do. He asked if I was going to be there, I said probably then realised maybe he was interested. So funny, I thought he was attractive but was not in the slightest ATTRACTED to him. So different to the old me. Didn't even think about wanting him. Was just a nice customer in a supermarket telling him about a party on tonight. I laughed at my changed situation as I perused the chicken section.

My horse, Chico, is getting a sore back. I thought maybe it was cos I was too heavy for him, I even weighed myself, but I think it's just cos he's been worked almost every day. So he gets some days off. Just when I was started to really enjoy riding him. Need some more training with the fluro sunset ride coolbag though, he freaked out about it last night when I was carrying it on my shoulder.

The danceoff was really good, the crews had some moves! Funnier still was sitting there on my own (and not getting picked up once!) and people watching. If I had been able to text my friends, I would have said, "You'll see me. I'm the white girl." Everyone was bootylicious black, and some of those outfits - you could poke an eye out with those curves! I felt a proper frump in my loose-fitting summer dress.

I never ended up seeing my friends, although to be honest I couldn't really remember what they looked like so I was hoping I just made eye contact with them and they responded accordingly. There were a couple of white couples in there that I looked at, and nothing. Got talking to one and they didn't seem overly keen to include me on their little love-in (platonically of course), so that didn't last long. I never wanna be one of those couples, shutting people out. Everyone welcome!

Came home and chatted with the old Greek man who lives by me, drinking a beer and texting A. I ended up calling him and using all the credit I'd bought that day (that's a new record) and probably telling him the surprise I wanted to keep as a surprise. Damn drunks, can't trust 'em with anything. But yes, been doing some major thinking and there are some changes afoot...

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