Thursday 8 December 2011

Passing the $100 tip mark

Today was one of the best days of work I've had yet. Mainly, because I finally surpassed the $100 tip mark and also because I spent the day riding, even taking my young Chico on two private rides and not having much problem at all (those rides we walk, trot canter and usually on my watch, gallop a little).

First a 2-hour ride, then 2 cruise ship one-hours, then a shortened lunch and 2 private rides. The thing, as I've said before, with the private rides is that you usually get the best tips, but this first couple I had said they were experienced but weren't really. The husband was an ass, trying to overtake us and basically out of control of his horse while the wife struggled to gain control of hers. She had a goey one, and he was on an easier one, didn't give a shit that he was ruining her ride.

At one point, I slowed down and she just shot past. We came to a walk, asshole husband and I, and saw her disappear down a track towards home. Only seconds before I had asked them to slow down as we were heading in the direction of home, and then she goes sprinting off. Yeah, well last time I play Miss Nice Girl. Just glad they could find the fun side of it - although that was the worst tipping ride I had. Next time don't lie about your abilities and don't treat your wife like shit.

The last ride made up for it, though, giving me $40 for 3 people, and they were return customers so knew what to expect. Glad I could continue to make themselves enjoy the place, and I'm sure they'll come back next time. The day was hot, though, and it was a welcome change to have the clouds come over in the later part to give me some relief. I'm sure I got some good colour on my legs though. Commented to the office manager that I got good tips, probably cos I was put on good rides, and she said the boss had asked her to get me some more tips. Don't know why, but I'll take it!!

One of the boss' dogs followed me to work today. And not the Labrador, or the shepherd, or the Golden Retriever. No, the stumpy-legged, big-eared, long-torsoed adopted dog the boss got from his wife's parents when they started to travel too much to take care of it. Polly. Bless her inbred socks. She followed me to the farm then hung around while I saddled the horses, then disappeared while I rode and returned again when I ate lunch, hanging around just enuf to see what i was doing but not disturb me. What a brilliant dog! I thought she might be a hassle. Maybe we've found a new farm dog here??

She didn't kill anything so I guess I'm still in the good books of R, the lady taking care of the place while the boss is away. It's 6 days into the 10 he's at Disneyland, and things seem to be going well. She says he sounds relaxed and the place seems to run pretty well without him. So maybe this will allow him to take a step back and relax. Doubt it, though! Anyone with this kind of business never likes to stop being involved.

So the end of the day came and I had my beers, threw the dog in the back of the truck and got a lift home with J. I'm having to get used to logging onto the internet and not having any beautiful messages from my beautiful boy, for another 10 days at least. Then it's all on for young n old. I do love the way his messages make me feel.

And the dogs erupt again. Was is it this time???

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