Thursday 8 December 2011

Today's forecast: Heavy head & heavier rain

It was a HOT morning. Compounded by the fact I was hungover, it was a horrible start to a day that was to deliver not much more on the plus side. I shooed the cat out from the night before (no pussy jokes, thanks) and begrudgingly went to feed the dogs. Oh, the dogs. They have so much energy. And of course today would be the day I needed to open the new feed bag - and I'm talking a fucking massive bag! And of course I spilt it all over the place. Ho hum.

Dogs all done, I headed to work and readied the horses. We had just one ride booked from the cruise ships, and I was scheduled to do it. Fine with me, I might get some tips! My positivity was quite literally dampened as another torrential downpour enveloped our entire world and left us stranded with the horses, chickens and peacocks under the stable dryness. I saw the cruise ship bus come, stop, turn around and leave again. No one even got out.

While I was eternally grateful I didn't have to take the grumbling people out in the wet, I knew it was going to be a boring day with not much to do. Until the rain stopped. When that finally happened, a couple of hours later, I got to work as well as I could. Which wasn't very well, considering my head. I managed to put the hose on the wrong way around, then forget to plug it back in altogether and turn the water on so it was splashing everywhere (like the ground needed to be more wet)... I was pretty useless.

They had planned an early Dutch celebration of Christmas, complete with "Sinterklaus" coming down on horseback, so thankfully it dried up for the afternoon. They had these people dressed like court jesters and all painted black - wasn't sure who they were meant to be, but wondered how the actual black people felt about this. Maybe it wasn't as racist as it came across to me.

Got an email on my lunch break from the man I met at the bar the previous night. He was keen to come for a horseride so that gave me something to do. I got the horses able to carry the biggest weight (they aren't small guys) and we went for a ride, after which I got a nice tip and invited out to dinner on the French side. I said I'd email them when I was finished work, which I did, but never heard back. So I got ready and waited where I said I would, and when they didn't show and it started to rain, I just went to the supermarket and bought my own dinner to make at home. No dramas.

He'd also invited me to St Barts again during the ride, so I wasn't sure when I logged on the next morning at work if I'd have an apology email and another invitation to go. Part of me knows it's suss, but another part of me has seen this all before and has never not been able to handle it before. He knows I'm taken and is almost my dad's age so should know there is absolutely no chance I'd go for him. Hey, if the guy wants to invite a young girl out to dinner with his crew, whatever. It's not like that buys me into their beds. As I said, I can handle myself.

When I was almost in bed - tired as I was, that was before 9pm on a Saturday night - I got a missed call from an unknown number. I don't usually call back those numbers but thought it could've been the guys. Turned out to be E, the sweet Canadian girl I'd met at Buccaneers, asking if I wanted to do something that night. Would've been pretty crap company if I'd said yes! Hopefully we hang out soon though, it would be nice to have a friend to do things with for once.

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