Wednesday 28 December 2011

Christmas with the staff

First thing on Boxing Day, I'm putting my work clothes on and I get summoned into the bathroom by the other lady that lives in my apartment. Pointing at the sand left by someone clearly OFF on Christmas Day and enjoying themselves on the beach, she looks at me accusingly... no, I didn't leave the fucking sand in the fucking shower, in fact I was the ONLY one working on the friggin holiday! So you can piss off with your lectures about cleanliness. Pissed me right off.

So it was off to work, for the second public holiday, and I was feeling the fatigue. All the going out after work was getting to me, and again it wasn't super so I kept thinking about how tired I was. And I knew with the Erm coming in tomorrow, I wouldn't be getting any more sleep.

Had a couple of rides, nothing spectacular, in fact writing this blog a couple of days later I remember so little of that day it really shows how boring it was. I remember having a whole family of English people who really enjoyed their ride and complimented me on my guiding, but gave me no tips. Bought me a drink at the bar, at least!

After work, I was able to go home to change for this staff Christmas function they planned at Seaside. Everyone came and looked nice, such a change to normal! Some people I had to look twice at, they looked so different.

We set up the tables all together, there were some kids there too, and everyone was chatting and laughing. It was really nice, people from all around the world exchanging stories about Christmas in their countries. For me it was nothing different to have a hot day, but for most it was unusual.

R and A gave us all a bottle of the milky rum I'd drunk with J the day before, Ponche Kuba, a local favourite. And those that were full-time staffer got an envelope with some cash in it. I only got a small amount as I'm new, and I think they thought I wasn't sticking around much longer after my comments to them about missing my boyfriend too much. Then we ate a huge selection of Christmas foods - of course I was first to the table and a frequent visiter thereafter. Ate way too much.

We had some dancing and everyone was enjoying themselves, but we called it a night around 9pm as most had to work the next day! I had a day off but had to prepare everything for E's arrival, so I knew I'd be up early. But the evening was really lovely and it was the first they'd had - in previous years they hadn't had the funds to do it but obviously business is picking up, which is good to see. N took some nice pictures but unfortunately the wind blew away her memory card the next day, so we lost them all! :(

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