Sunday 11 December 2011

Money in my hair, dawg

My day off and of course it's crappy weather! How many times will I be deprived of my good beach bakes in such circumstance??! Not that it was pouring all day, it was just "iffy". Found out the gas stove I'd been borrowing off a flatmate was using cylinder gas, not gas from a pipe, and so when it ran out I spoke to him and offered to pay for the next cannister. That was a whole 'nother drama in itself. Had to find the sometimes cranky old man to ask him to get it cheaper from his work, get someone to drop it off, walk down and pay, come back with someone to transport the full container back.... bah.

Went to work in the morning dressed to ride, as we'd spoken the night before about me taking the girl who was managing the place while the boss is away and the Dutch intern for a ride. But when I got there she'd decided it was best to do it when he got back. Little bit annoyed but I guess I understood. More annoyed the internet didn't work. So I killed time chatting with J (also off work but at work to feed the boss' birds) then went back - gas in hand - to get ready for some boat action with L.

We walked to P's house to fetch the boat, of course waiting around for whatever needed to be done once we got there (including a rain shower - grrr). One of the guys that looks after P is called Dodo - at first I wondered at the name, then upon getting to know him I see it's cos he can be kinda dumb. And act like a child. I'll explain more later. But first thing I notice is scratches and scabs on his body... seems he had a motorcycle accident. No surprises there.

First port of call in the boat was Character Beach. I'd been told about this place by some ladies on a ride, who said it was a bit of a kept secret - never too busy, nice water, cool bars. Well, I saw it from the water and actually swam to it from where we anchored the boat. That was cool. Didn't have anywhere to put the money for a beer so just stuffed it in the nest that was my hair. Worked a treat! Walked up to the bar dripping wet in my bikini and ordered a cold one. Oh, it tasted good.

While I was doing all this, L was cleaning the bottom of the boat, snorkel n all. But soon he came to the bar, complaining of stinging jellyfish in the water. Bugger, I thought, we have to swim back through that to get on board!! Survived another rain shower, sinking beers, and decided to hotfoot it to another place for food (since it was $4 for a tiny cup of fries there). I swear I got stung on the neck on the swim back.

Mullet Bay was the destination, although when we arrived we found ourselves too late for the food they usually serve on the beach. Try again! Had a nice swim around the boat - not one bit scared of sharks like usual due to the sheer crystal-clearness of the water - and then headed back towards Simpson Bay as the sun started to fade.

On the way back, I flashed a party catamaran L used to work for - big cheer there - and we sidled by some other place he used to work to get some free beer. Score! Ran into (well, not literally) H from work kayaking around the lagoon, crazy woman it was getting a bit choppy by that stage.

Back at P's, we chilled for a little bit before Dodo decided to get all funny about something not worthwhile, and ended up childishly calling L and I something like "fuckin' rasta and his dumb bitch." Oh no no, I will not be taking that. I put right in his place, told him if he didn't want to be treated like a child he shouldn't act like one, and if he has a problem, he says it right to my face rather than call me immature names. L told me after he was impressed at my little speech. Haha... little does he know what I'm really like.

Had time to get home and get ready for my workmate's birthday drinks at La Bamba, stopping for shwarma on the way. Only problem was that it was raining heavily by that stage, and as a result L didn't want to leave his house to meet me at the arranged time. I got pissed off, in the end leaving for him to catch me (and Polly the dog, following me through the rain, bless her) up. I felt sorry for N, I knew not many would make the effort since it was raining and it wouldn't go for that long, so I needed to get there.

I hadn't even changed my clothes in the end, still wearing the white kaftan with pink bikini underneath (a combo I only realised when getting home left pink breast patches on my kaftan in the rain). Got a phonecall on the way there from Dodo, apologising for acting like a child. That was nice. I stayed at La Bamba for a couple of drinks and smokes before leaving with L and R from work to go to the movies. Went by my house first for jackets as the cinema is always beyond freezing (what a waste of energy) and watched The Sitter. Well, never gonna get those 1.5 hours of my life back! Should've been called The Shitter.

On the road home, we saw it was finally opened up again after the roadworks that plagued the island for months. And on time! I couldn't actually believe it! The first thing to ever get done on time in the Caribbean. So now we won't lose so much business because of the traffic and hopefully less cheeky sods will cut through our private property to save some time. Although, knowing these folk, they'll still do it - anything to cut a corner.

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